That ASML sliced their price is a an indicator of certain progress on the part of SMEE with regards to a 28nm machine. SMIC won't be fooled. They will take the 28nm ASML Machine at a greatly sliced price, while in the future purchase SMEE 28nm or greater precision machines. And it is not just a question of what SMIC itself would prefer, the Chinese state will be very much an arbiter of what will happen. It will not permit China to be vulnerable to foreign technological embargoes anymore. Absolutely any item of technology that is worth producing, China will possess the capability of producing and if necessary mass producing. With regards to semiconductors and IC chip related technology, the entire value of the production chain starting with the smelting of silicon from sand unto the production of lithographic machines, photoresists, photomasks, etchers etc will be made available in China. The rationale of technological and national security will not longer be trumped by the rational of what is least costly in the short run.
And all thanks to the uncle Sam, particularly Trump