Well brother, this opinion I am pulling out of my vaccinated ass, this is what I think, even though I know nothing about it.
Obviously, there are a lot of moving parts, as the expression goes.
Every part is expensive, and required advanced technical knowledge.
To make the entire system work at maximum capacity and efficiency, will require a lot of effort. It will need capital and it will need the know-how.
This process of fine tuning the complicated system will take time.
However, China still has a 80 hour a week work culture for important stuff, so a big effort will be made.
A key factor here has always been China's size, ever since ancient times. The scale makes it easier. They could have two or three teams working on the same problems or similar programs. Such as get the 14nm line up and running smoothly as quick as possible.
Also, with the labour and STEM graduates, one big project is to domestisize the chip production line, from 28nm to 14nm to 7nm and smaller. The other big product is to work on advanced materials to move beyond Moore's law as it applied to silicone.
Once they are ready, production will run, and the product ie the chip will be sold to another Chinese company for their value added manufacturing.
If some other company gets cut off during these iteration cycles ... what can we say ... that's life!
Butt hurt is a part of life. My ass still hurts after I got vaccinated.
[rant] [/rant]
I just felt like ranting today.
[rant] [/rant]