Chinese semiconductor industry

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@horse bro its Liang Mong Song my idol, he had made a lot of contribution to SMIC and whatever issue he had with the company he stayed so that he can finish the job, 14nm ,7nm 5nm and maybe 3nm node is his baby, he wanted to leave a mark and SMIC is the only company that will give him that platform.
Hi ansy1968,

Hear what you are saying brother! But I am too cynical, I will go with the fake news theory as per my fake idol President Trump.

President Trump was great! Every day another fight like reality TV!

Nowadays, every day seems like the CCTV inside the old folks home according to reports.

That post by poster HybridHypothesis an hour ago, says their SMIC orders booked up until next year. The yields of whatever-they-call-it, wafers I suppose, already at the standard of TSMC.

That was a corporate statement. It does not means they just discovered something, they are confirming what they have done, and it is at full production.

That means they were at production at 14nm months ago, just confirming it now. It is only the second week of March, how hard is SMIC working at the 7nm now?

Soon, the Americans will sound more like this guy from this article.

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Some cheap entertainment. Seems appropriate.



Junior Member
100% tariff will finish the job. Taiwan is not a country so they can't sue China in the WTO.
TSMC not only sell stuff to china, also many company in china use TSMC stuff. gonna force xiaomi and other company to use lower grade IC? tariff is double edge sword.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member

Will the long awaited destruction of TSMC begin now? Perhaps some mainland fabs should be sold to SMIC... while they still can

If it is true that SMIC 14nm has 90-95% yields that is really impressive since they started fabbing on this like one year ago.
The higher the yield the more working chips you get out of a wafer which means the more price competitive they will be.


Registered Member
If it is true that SMIC 14nm has 90-95% yields that is really impressive since they started fabbing on this like one year ago.
The higher the yield the more working chips you get out of a wafer which means the more price competitive they will be.
@gelgoog I believe what @horse had posted is true, we don't know the extend of SMIC operation and the west is clueless as well, but this little bit of info especially about the N+1 production this April is a sign that the 7nm is within reach possible this year. they don't broadcast what NM node it was based for security reason and I believed secretly they being supplying Huawei with their 14nm chips.


Registered Member
I think people.might be jumping the horse here. First in my.opinion the fabs are relative irellevant to thebwhole semiconductors issue. The most.important think imo is if this line was made by domestic or foreign equipment. If it was by domestic then this is a huhe breakthrough because this means that they can easily scale up the production by ordering the same equipment.

However if it is made by foreign equipment (i think it is) then while important it is.not something big to celebrate because if this machine is now banned then they cant buy more foreign equipment and so they cant build.more fabs to produce more chips


Lieutenant General
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All I see is capitalism at work. I know in Silicon Valley there's an agreement among companies not to poach talent from the other but there's always the accusation that one company has violated the agreement that is not a law. It usually means that companies will start poaching because the truce was broken. Are they looking to poach Chinese talents offering a third of what they pay before? Naturally it favors China. Taiwan can always imprison their talent and force labor them to be paid a third of what China offers but then they wouldn't be a democracy would they?


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All I see is capitalism at work. I know in Silicon Valley there's an agreement among companies not to poach other talent from the other but there's always the accusation that one company has violated the agreement that is not a law. It usually means that companies will start poaching because the truce was broken. Are they looking to poach Chinese talents offering a third of what they pay before? Naturally it favors China. Taiwan can always imprison their talent and force labor them to be paid a third of what China offers but then they wouldn't be a democracy would they?
But then "National Security " has always been a good excuse to sidestep such inconveniences.


Registered Member
But then "National Security " has always been a good excuse to sidestep such inconveniences.
Then Taiwan should employ it. What's stopping them? They gonna claim China is putting gun to their heads...?

They're building multiple EUV fabs and sending TSMC engineers to train possibly Intel employees. How much more can they give up before they really become China's metrosexual backwater?

They have 0 excuse in blocking TSMC engineers from going to China especially if the engineers think Tsai is giving up TSMC's edge.


Junior Member
Registered Member
so why didn't they done so already lol. the idea of force all those company intel/samsung/umc/tsmc to sell their stuff or get out is non starter, if china do that what do you think every other company will do. you are basically suggesting china doing what trump does and more. beside i mention before most their core tech/fab is not in mainland, so how you gonna force them to sell it
I only talk about the fabs in mainland.
Not their core tech/fab in their homeland.

There are thousands of excuses to shut down their fab such as unsafe practices , environment hazards, ..etc and not giving them clearance to transport equipments out . They basically stuck and nonoperational. They will have no choice but to sell.

Maybe you can tell me what US, Korea and Taiwan can retaliate.
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