Chinese semiconductor industry

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The guy that posted kirin 5G chips are coming back said this yesterday.

It's not clear what he means by SoC performance is at the level below current flagship. So, it's saying that this is Below Snapdragon 8+ but at Snapdragon 888 level? or that it is at Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 level? Maybe I'm being too optimistic here

Also, I fully expect Mate 60 itself to come in 4G and 5G version. Both using Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, but 1 will come with 5G modem & RF module

And this is bad news for Apple, since HW flagship phones are really the only ones competing against iPhone on the very top end.


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China's SAW filter market is quite scattered. More recently. SZ Microgate was asked if their chips are fabbed at Sai Micro and the answer was no

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The need for RF filters in China is huge
according to this
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China needs 20B rf filters/yr for mobile devices, wifi, bluetooth & navigation.
Keep in mind that Sanan says it has capacity for 150 million/month and looking to build it up to 500 million/month -> 6b/yr. Maybe by itself, Sanan can handle most of China's SAW filter demand.

according to this, they want to do a diamond based rf filter which can do 2-10GHz, that seems enough to satisfy basically any consumer product including the future 6G bands (right now, memsonics BAW filter can do 1.5-5GHz)

looks like the keep here is to just keep diamond layer really thin (10 microns). Looks like they got all the basic tech down like 2-6 inch Diamond-on-Si wafer + oriented piezoelectric film preparation process and design of diamond-based RF filter



interesting, didn't know Henan produced 70% of world's super hard material

No kidding, Henan is capital of world's lab grown diamond production
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so unlike the other stuff we talked about, this is still an experiment project. Will take a while longer for 960m RMB to all be invested in this. I'm also curious what other project they can do since diamond is considered 4th gen semi material

Henan produces > 90% of world's diamond. think about that and what this could bring. If people thought Gallium was dominated, just wait until they see diamond

keep an eye on this


Just Hatched
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I actually think the US is doing China a favour by blocking some of those acquisition deals. Because even if the deal was approved at the time,the local Gov can still force Chinese companies to split it later,which happens alot these days. The Chinese companies will just end up lose money and cannot anything back to China.
The local Gov force Chinese companies to split it is just because the hegemony force the local Govs to do that~


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One thing that seems quite obvious from researching on Chinese RF suppliers is that they all had explosive growth in revenue up until 2021, flattened and started dropping in 2022 (at least that's the case for ones around longer), but things are starting to come back up

One example is Maxscend
they had 4.5B RMB in revenue in 2021, but just 3.6B in 2022 (Q3/Q4 were particularly bad). This Q1, they were down to over 700m before recovering to over 900m in Q2

One bright spot is that they haven't stopped researching or trying to expand. In the case of Maxscend
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It's R&D reached 12% of revenue in 2022
and it transitioned from fabless to fablite



此外,卓胜微还在6英寸滤波器产线的基础上,通过添置先进设备,构建技术团队,逐步推进打造12英寸IPD滤波器产品的生产制造能力。目前,其IPD 滤波器产品已完成工艺通线及产品级验证进入小批量生产阶段。
Not really sure the production rate, but 3.5B is not chump change for a company generating just 4B a year. It's not clear to me what IPD filter is. But rumors were that they had maybe 10k wpm of capacity by end of last year. So that's a good initial mass production for this year.

Looks like its own production has met customer requirement. I assume that as yield gets better, it will also be able to supply more. The long term goal is for Chinese fabs to self supply all the SAW/TC-SAW filter needed by China market. And it's already used in various more complicated front end modules. L-Difem integrates filters, duplexors, switches & LNAs IIRC

So this has to be goal. Being able to supply all the domestic phone companies. Once you do that, you take 50% of the market. Of course once you get there, then you are also fully independent for all the other chips that require connectivity with wifi, bluebooth, nfc or anything else


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it means to need higher power ,Do china has high EUV sources?
Olalavn has posted a 400w LPP EUV fibre laser light source being tested earlier in the year. There's also CIOMP's own light source and the that might fit the requirements. Tsinghua's SSMB light source would most definitely fulfill those power requirements should it work out, but that is likely to come a bit later than the other two.


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Well said. Chinese companies like Huawei and Phytium,should leave the ARM camp ASAP. Continue to design ARM based processor is a dead end.

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、中兴等厂商已拿到ARM V9版本,相较于V8.2提升了约30%的综合性能,即便鲲鹏等厂商可以通过微调改进、堆核等方式强行弥补,但也会造成成本上的巨大压力。
对外,X86的综合性能一向领先,ARM V9排除功耗优势外也很难与其比肩,落后整整一代的ARM V8.2只会将国产ARM拽入深渊。

Facing the high pressure of upstream hegemony, there are those who break out, those who are silent, and those who wait for the time to move may not be uncommon. Relatively speaking, the domestic ARM manufacturers who have been holding back all the time seem extremely helpless.

As we all know, Huawei and Phytium, the two major ARM manufacturers of domestic CPUs, have been out of supply for many years, and the road to continuous iteration is basically blocked. Relying on the original chip inventory is by no means a long-term solution. However, the domestic ARM stock market is so huge, and the user scale and ecological foundation established through untold hardships, it is not easy to change the door once.

Some time ago, the news of the ecological merger between Kunpeng and Feiteng was exposed. It is not difficult to guess that this is the domestic ARM holding together in the face of danger. It is expected to delay the stagnation of the ARM version and the inventory crisis in the form of ecological expansion and chip sharing. The two major manufacturers have not released yet. Make the key winner.

There is no doubt about the choice of the word "steady" in the wind and rain. However, the market situation is treacherous, and the actual problems of domestic ARM are getting worse.

Recently, there is new news from ARM. Except for a few special manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung, Arm may adopt stricter authorization restrictions on other CPU manufacturers, that is, if Arm’s CPU core is used, then the use of GPU, NPU , ISP and other IP cores must all use Arm technology, and third-party architectures are not allowed, otherwise they will not be authorized. For domestic CPU manufacturers, the originally slim hope of obtaining authorization has become hopeless.

With the prolonged version stagnation, the performance gap between domestic ARM and mainstream chips will also become wider and wider. Internally, manufacturers such as Ali, Xiaomi, and ZTE have obtained the ARM V9 version, which has improved the overall performance by about 30% compared with V8.2. There will be enormous pressure on costs.

Externally, the comprehensive performance of X86 has always been leading, and it is difficult for ARM V9 to match it except for its power consumption advantage. ARM V8.2, which is a whole generation behind, will only drag domestic ARM into the abyss.

In addition, how can RISC-V, which has already set its sights on the ARM stock market, be willing to follow suit? Its rapid development momentum not only brings hope to Chinese manufacturers, but also brings a greater sense of crisis to the domestic ARM that is trapped in an isolated island. .

Just imagine, ARM manufacturers such as Qualcomm will rise up one after another, and the RISC-V camp will rise rapidly to catch up. If only domestic ARM manufacturers stay in place, the situation of relevant manufacturers will become extremely embarrassing.

It's hard to say whether the current Qualcomm has done what domestic manufacturers should do most. No matter what the road ahead is, the window period left for domestic ARM is really running out.


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Yes Gree is setting up its own SiC production line. Crazy huh?

Gree to invest 5.5B RMB to build its own SiC production line & packaging/testing line To produce 240k 6-inch SiC wpy & production will start in 2024/09 Will supply NEVs, PVs, ESSs, super chargers, ACs & industrial product

Very interesting to see even electric giants get into SiC production. Just shows the concerns about being cut off from foreign supplies
After this, looks like Gree is also setting up their own GaA production line

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looks like they want to spend 3.4B RMB on a 15k wpm 6-inch GaA factory in Zhuhai. Goal of starting production in Sep of 2024


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In the first half of the year, Jingsheng's net profit increased by 447% year-on-year, and it won repeated and bulk orders from major domestic customers​

On August 18, Jingsheng shares released its financial report for the first half of 2023. The company achieved operating income of 114.3605 million yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 75.79% over the same period of the previous year; realized a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 15.0877 million yuan , an increase of 447.17% over the same period of the previous year; the realized net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses was 8.0116 million yuan, an increase of 379.63% over the previous year.
Jingsheng shares said that the performance growth is mainly due to the scale cost benefits brought about by the increase in sales revenue and cost control. In the first half of the year, the gross profit margin of main business sales was 35.44%, an increase of 1.16 percentage points over the same period last year.
Specifically, Jingsheng shares have formed a core technology independently developed, and covered silicon wafer manufacturers and domestic leading enterprises or mainstream customers of silicon carbide substrates. , Shengong, Hejing Technology, Sanan Optoelectronics, Tony Electronics, BYD and other well-known enterprises have established cooperative relations, and obtained repeated and batch orders from customers, forming a strong customer resource advantage over other crystal growth equipment companies.

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