Chinese semiconductor industry

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Strain doping opens new avenues for diamond semiconductor applications: helium ion implantation enables diamond band tuning.​

Recently, research teams from City University of Hong Kong , Shanghai University , University of Groningen and Southern University of Science and Technology have made important progress in the field of diamond physical properties regulation . For the first time, the large-scale "deep elastic strain engineering" of two-dimensional solid helium in diamond has been realized by helium ion implantation at high temperature . The related results are titled "Creating two-dimensional solid helium via diamond lattice confinement", published in the international journal Nature On the " Communications ", the co- first authors of the paper are Dr. Lin Weitong and Dr. Li Yiran. The research team from City University of Hong Kong also includes Professor Lu Yang, Dr. Zhao Shijun, Dr. Liu Shaofei, Dr. Fan Jun and Academician Liu Jinchuan, and Dr. Yang Tao and Professor Kai Zhizhong for the paper the corresponding author. This achievement opens up a whole new path for future diamond "fourth-generation semiconductor" applications.
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China’s first photonic chip production line to be ready in 2023: media report

By Global Times Published: Oct 18, 2022 08:37 PM

chip Photo:VCG

Chip Photo:VCG
China's first production line for "multi-material and cross-size" photonic chips, or integrated optical circuits, will be completed in Beijing in 2023, a development that's expected to fill a gap in the nation's top-level manufacturing, the Beijing Daily reported on Tuesday.

Compared with electronic chips, photonic chips offer higher speeds and lower power consumption. The calculation speed and transmission rate are 1,000 times those of electronic chips, according to the newspaper.

If all goes as planned with the facility, it will show that the preliminary experimental research and development process is in place, with production technology that leads the world, analysts said.

According to the Beijing Daily, the production line will be built by Sintone, a Beijing-based high-tech enterprise.

The facility can meet market demand in multiple fields including communications, data centers, medical testing and other sectors, said the report, citing Sui Jun, the president of Sintone.

The domestic use of photonic chips has extended into scenarios in industry, consumer electronics, vehicles, defense and other fields, according to a report by Minsheng Securities in September.

The new facility will fill the gap in the field of photonic chip foundries in China and accelerate the process of domestic photonic chip replacement, Sui said.

Photonic chips will be the next major direction of chip development due to their stability and low power consumption, Xiang Ligang, an independent technology analyst, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Such chips aren't yet being produced on a large scale anywhere in the world, so the new facility will show that China is leading in this technology in the world, said Xiang.

China has become the world's largest optical communication market, and the size of the domestic photonic chip market has expanded remarkably. From 2015 to 2021, the domestic photonic chip market expanded from $800 million to $2.08 billion, with an average annual compound growth rate of more than 15 percent, according to Insight and Info.

Sui said that making photonic chips is not as demanding as electronic chips in terms of structural requirements, as photonic chips don't require extremely high-end lithography machines such as extreme ultraviolet lithography, and can be produced using raw materials and types of equipment that are already mature in China.

Xiang stressed that it will take time and industrial verification from the beginning of construction to mass production after the facility is completed.

Sui said that the current development of the sector in China is more advanced in terms of applications and design but relatively weak in such basic aspects as equipment and manufacturing. The company will use its scientific achievements to provide practical and reliable support for core sectors such as quantum computing.


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A Interesting Story:

Rejecting high salaries, semiconductor genius helps China's chip development​

Money is irrelevant when you want to follow your dreams, earning a lot of money in a boring and mediocre job powerless of making your dreams true is soul crushing. Why do you want to be one more soul on the payroll of a big monopolistic company? when you have the opportunity to build the semiconductor equipment company of your dreams and bring your ideas to life, without having to deal with all the bullshit of big monopolistic companies. It's not just Chinese, it happens to TSMC too, no amount of money stopped some of their best guys from going to Korea and China to chase their dreams.
China hawks dont said it but they know that this people are career driven rather than just money driven, so I think one of the Trump China initiative biggest objective was not just "China spying" as they say, the real objective was to induce an enormous amount of fear in the Chinese community in the US, specially in the Chinese research community to such extend that they break their links with their Chinese motherland, colleagues, friends and even families or force them out. In the eyes of this people the Chinese are a whole societal threat just because some of them found an opportunity to follow their dreams in other lands rather just making a lot of money in a dull soul crushing job in a monopolistic corporation.
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Well Biden just lowered that bar even lower, so if the GOP comes to power Chinese in the US should prepare themselves to level of McCarthyism that would make the real Joseph McCarthy question his whole career.


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China’s first photonic chip production line to be ready in 2023: media report
WoW!!!! the second Chinese company after Huawei;)

The US chip doctor returned to China, Huawei's photonic chip ushered in strong support, Ren Zhengfei's call worked​

Let's talk to you today: The American chip doctor returns to China! Huawei's photonic chip ushered in strong assistance, and Ren Zhengfei's call worked.
The US chip doctor returned to China, Huawei's photonic chip ushered in strong support, Ren Zhengfei's call worked

There is no shortage of talents in China. What is lacking is the way to retain talents. Every year there is a large outflow of talents. The United States has full respect for talents, a good research atmosphere, and generous salaries. More and more international students are getting PhDs. , Directly stayed in Silicon Valley to work, and even more directly became American citizenship.

The founder of China Micro Semiconductors, Yin Zhiyao, chose to return to China at the age of 60. The 5nm etching machine developed by the company has entered the production line of TSMC and has become one of the world's top manufacturers. Yin Zhiyao returned to China. More than 300 technical patents have been obtained so far.

And he once said: "Compared to the top Chinese PhDs in the United States, his technology and status are not the most outstanding. When he was still working at Intel, most of the technical R&D personnel and team leaders were Chinese." This is enough for us. Thinking carefully, we must find the reasons for the outflow of talents from ourselves, and how to retain talents is currently the most critical.

American Chip Doctor Returned
After Yin Zhiyao's precedent, many semiconductor talents have returned to China one after another. Recently, there has been good news again that China has ushered in a top talent returning from the United States and has clearly rejected high salaries abroad. Temptation, after returning to China, he will devote himself to the development of the domestic semiconductor industry, and it is the "chip doctor" Chang Lin.

Shandong University is Chang Lin's alma mater. After graduation, she studied at the University of California in the United States and obtained a Ph.D. During her time at the University of California, she participated in the research and development of photonic chips and various top semiconductor technologies. After graduation, Chang Lin did not choose to stay in the United States. After seeing that many domestic companies are engaged in the research and development of photonic chips, he resolutely chose to return to China.
According to him, using the theoretical knowledge and laboratory experience he has learned for many years can help the development of the domestic photonic chip industry very well, and he also called on more young scholars to participate in the ranks of helping the development of domestic semiconductors. Such aspiring young people will do a lot.
The US chip doctor returned to China, Huawei's photonic chip ushered in strong support, Ren Zhengfei's call worked

Huawei photonic chip ushered in strong assistance
Photonic chips are generally considered by the industry to be the most likely next-generation chip material. At present, various countries are also promoting the development of this project. Dr. Chang Lin has been working hard in the field of photonic chips for a long time. Compared with current electronic chips, The optical fiber transmission speed of the photonic chip is very fast, and the loss is also very well controlled.
The problem of optical fiber refractive index that once stumped the industry's top experts has been solved by Dr. Chang Lin. The earliest researchers used quartz to complete the waveguide of the photonic chip, but due to the incompleteness of the refractive index, its use effect was caused. It was not very good. Then Chang Lin used silica to increase the refractive index of the optical fiber, and finally formed the perfect waveguide structure of the photonic chip.

The US chip doctor returned to China, Huawei's photonic chip ushered in strong support, Ren Zhengfei's call worked

Dr. Chang Lin's achievements in this field are not limited to this. He has numerous technical patents. If you make good use of these technical patents, you can help the domestic optical quantum chip industry to develop better. At present, Huawei has achieved the most achievements in light quantum chips in China. Therefore, if no surprises, Huawei will not let such a talent go.
At present, Huawei has obtained a technology called "Optical Computing Chips, Systems and Data Processing" in this field, which is complementary to the research direction of Dr. Chang Lin. Next, it depends on whether Huawei can grasp this talent. If the participants can be perfectly integrated, then it is very meaningful for the development of the domestic semiconductor industry, and Huawei HiSilicon will also usher in strong support.

The US chip doctor returned to China, Huawei's photonic chip ushered in strong support, Ren Zhengfei's call worked

Ren Zhengfei's call worked
Previously, Ren Zhengfei stated: “The most heartbreaking thing is that the talents cultivated at high prices in the country have become other people's “wedding clothes”. It is the first problem to be solved now that all Chinese “chickens” return to the motherland to “lay eggs”.”
With the gradual improvement of the scientific research environment in China, the emphasis on talents is also increasing. This is the way to attract talents like Mao Wei, Chang Lin and Yin Zhiyao to return to the country. Patriotism urges them to come back. There is no way to make use of it in China, so for researchers, returning to China is not a good thing.

At present, China should pay attention to the special care for "scientific maniacs", and don't let them deal with those complicated interpersonal relationships, and the salary should keep up with them in time. Don't let these talents still worry about buying houses and children's education. Only by solving their life problems can they contribute to the country without worries.
In addition, the survival of the fittest should also be adopted for talents, and the development of young people should not be hindered because they are old employees. Only in this way can Ren Zhengfei's call really work. What do you think of Dr. Chang Lin's return to China?


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Being a vassal is a Bitch or Bitchie in Thank you America with your stupid restriction, you only add uncertainty and more contraction instead of 23% due to the economic

TSMC downgraded as analysts warn of worst slump in a decade​

Some estimates say the sector will have contracted by as much as 23% by the end​

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Mon 17 Oct 2022 // 13:00 UTC

Shares in key Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC may have been up in the past few days after it reported better than expected Q3 results, but many financial analysts have downgraded their forecasts for the company amid warnings the tech downturn is likely to be deeper than feared.
The world's largest semiconductor contract manufacturer announced its
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last week, revealing it had beaten its own estimates to hit NT$613.14 billion ($20.23 billion). Shares in the company were up 4 percent following the news.
But the warning signs were clear as TSMC predicted Q4 revenue growth will likely be flat. TSMC also said it was cutting back on capital investment in new manufacturing capacity after multiple chip vendors reported falling revenues and warned the semiconductor industry is heading into a downcycle.
And while shares in TSMC may have rallied, analysts have downgraded their longer-term forecasts for the company, with many cutting their 12-month share price estimates. Goldman Sachs has
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lowered its price target for TSMC and removed the company from its list of top performing picks, but kept it as a buy recommendation.

Jam today​

Some EU countries are said to want funds from the European Chips Act to boost production of current cutting-edge chips, not just to be invested in developing and producing future technology.
This is according to
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, which cites an undisclosed EU document stating that some countries want Chips Act funding to go into existing chips used by companies such as carmakers.
According to the European Commission, the current plan only allows state funding for European "first-of-a-kind" production facilities, although details still need to be decided between EU countries and lawmakers before it becomes law.
According to the South China Morning Post, Goldman Sachs is one of just several banks and financial analysts that have downgraded TSMC's forecast share price. So far $240 billion has been wiped from the company's market value this year.
This appears to be partly in response to the weakening demand for semiconductors, which The Register has been reporting on for some time, but also because of the latest US
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on supplying technology to China.

This move sparked fears that the ban will dent the profits of many technology companies, especially those in the US, and may well lead to the semiconductor downturn being deeper and longer lasting than expected.
However, TSMC's share price also fell earlier this year when Korean chipmaker Samsung announced it had beaten its Taiwanese rival to
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, sparking fears that TSMC was losing its technology lead and may lose custom because of that.
The downbeat mood is also echoed in a fresh report on the European semiconductor industry from
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, which says that automotive chip demand is holding up, but there are rising cancellations from other customers affecting semiconductor companies.
Most chipmakers reported strong order books and outlooks at broker conferences until early September, the report finds. But the pace of cancellations and order pushouts from non-auto segments like PCs and smartphones has risen since. Last week, Gartner said PC shipments recorded in Q3 fell year-on-year at the
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Jefferies warns that the semiconductor industry may be heading into its its deepest downcycle in over 10 years, and predicts that the sector may have contracted by as much as 23 percent when it bottoms out by the middle of 2023. ®


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China’s first photonic chip production line to be ready in 2023: media report

By Global Times Published: Oct 18, 2022 08:37 PM

chip Photo:VCG

Chip Photo:VCG
China's first production line for "multi-material and cross-size" photonic chips, or integrated optical circuits, will be completed in Beijing in 2023, a development that's expected to fill a gap in the nation's top-level manufacturing, the Beijing Daily reported on Tuesday.

Compared with electronic chips, photonic chips offer higher speeds and lower power consumption. The calculation speed and transmission rate are 1,000 times those of electronic chips, according to the newspaper.

If all goes as planned with the facility, it will show that the preliminary experimental research and development process is in place, with production technology that leads the world, analysts said.

According to the Beijing Daily, the production line will be built by Sintone, a Beijing-based high-tech enterprise.

The facility can meet market demand in multiple fields including communications, data centers, medical testing and other sectors, said the report, citing Sui Jun, the president of Sintone.

The domestic use of photonic chips has extended into scenarios in industry, consumer electronics, vehicles, defense and other fields, according to a report by Minsheng Securities in September.

The new facility will fill the gap in the field of photonic chip foundries in China and accelerate the process of domestic photonic chip replacement, Sui said.

Photonic chips will be the next major direction of chip development due to their stability and low power consumption, Xiang Ligang, an independent technology analyst, told the Global Times on Tuesday.

Such chips aren't yet being produced on a large scale anywhere in the world, so the new facility will show that China is leading in this technology in the world, said Xiang.

China has become the world's largest optical communication market, and the size of the domestic photonic chip market has expanded remarkably. From 2015 to 2021, the domestic photonic chip market expanded from $800 million to $2.08 billion, with an average annual compound growth rate of more than 15 percent, according to Insight and Info.

Sui said that making photonic chips is not as demanding as electronic chips in terms of structural requirements, as photonic chips don't require extremely high-end lithography machines such as extreme ultraviolet lithography, and can be produced using raw materials and types of equipment that are already mature in China.

Xiang stressed that it will take time and industrial verification from the beginning of construction to mass production after the facility is completed.

Sui said that the current development of the sector in China is more advanced in terms of applications and design but relatively weak in such basic aspects as equipment and manufacturing. The company will use its scientific achievements to provide practical and reliable support for core sectors such as quantum computing.
Optical chips are not suitable for being logic chips with existing technologies. But they are very good for applications involving optical-data transmission. For example, their use as multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits for fiber-optic systems is very common. As far as I know there are benefits in using optical processes for some signal processing tasks in optical systems too.


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From my mentor @Oldschool , he told me regarding YMTC "Don't Worry Be Happy" ;)


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Today at 10:55 AMNew

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Chart shows YMTC now has 1 domestic front end scanner in usage for production.

Interesting numbers. To which period they refer? Today?

Regarding etching, we can see that YMTC has 100 localized machines, and this represent the 21,9% of total etching equipment. So YMTC has in total 456 etching machines.

It is not a surprise that the vast majority of equipment is of foreign origin, because it is only recently that local manufactures have started selling in volumes to their customers. I'm sure if we consider only etching equipment sold in the last 2 years, the percentage of local suppliers is much higher.

Interesting the 74 pieces of equipment that google translated as degumming (the first entry in vertical list) but maybe is more correct to say wet photoresist removal (please correct me if I am wrong). This is a whopping 86% of total degumming machines. Somone knows who is the local manufacturer? I'd guess maybe is ACM Research or Kingsemi.
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