Chinese semiconductor industry

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The video says that it is a 8nm chip. That means that it is not fully localised, right?
That's still within DUV capability, which means the SSA800 or its direct successor will be able to fab it. I consider that essentially localized, i.e., it's within (or will very soon be within) China's technological capability even if it isn't built using Chinese lithography machines. The more concerning factor is that it's an ARM. I don't know what the deal with that IP is in China (ARM China was up to some shenanigans but I don't know what became of that).


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A red line is in general a weakness because gives your adversary a fixed target on which to focus. I see one actor aiming to escalate Taiwan situation in an Ukraine scenario one and another actor really worried by this possibility....guess what? These 2 actors are not the ones you might expect.

US dream would be to make China a pariah state and to reserve to China the "Russia treatment". China at the moment barfs (no disrespect, read later) a lot about Taiwan, but? What it really means? We use to say "the dog that barfs does not bite"

According to Intel plan, after 2025-2026 Intel will gain tech capability to replace TSMC, and at that time TSMC will have also built a US fab. At that point the "collateral damage" for US to escalate Taiwan even to a war, will be much lower than today's. Actually knocking off the entire Taiwan IC manufacturing could be even a good thing for US in the long term.

US is the master of brinkmanship (
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), and they can wait: they started NATO east-expansion in 1994 (
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after) and coup changed Ukraine regime in 2014, installing a pro-NATO one that pushed the tension until Putin made (in my humble opinion) his life's biggest mistake in 2022.

I would not be surprised to see US to escalate tension in Taiwan hard after 2025 (just in time for the new US administration).

I really don't know what Taiwan people think of their future. I'd guess they are not blind.
LMAO tell me one time Intel road map have gone anywhere near expectation in last 5 years.


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Huawei 2021 net profits surge 75.9% amid US government sanctions, firm now ‘more capable in dealing with uncertainties’

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Anyone know what Huawei is currently selling for it to gain a 75% surge in net profits but a decline of 28% of revenue? What exactly are they selling for that item or service to be that profitable.
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