Chinese semiconductor industry

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An EDA tool for e-beam lithography (EBL) developed at Hunan University (HNU)

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The EBL-oriented EDA software tools are indispensable to design and manufacture EUV/DUV masks or sub-10 nm prototype devices. Some international treaties (e.g., 3.D.1-3 of Wassenaar Agreement [1]) and national laws (e.g., 3D003 of U.S. export control laws [2]) impose controls on exporting EBL-oriented EDA software tools to certain countries like China, Russian, etc.

We believe that EBL technologies should be used as friendly tools to improve lives of people from all countries without discrimination, rather than hostile weapons to deter the development of any country. Therefore, we are trying to develop these EBL EDA tools from scratch by ourselves. We license HNU-EBL EDA software, free of charge, to anybody from anywhere. To obtain a license, please click “license” and “contact us” on the top.

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If that is not a giant middle finger, i don't know what else it is.
These guys should be taking hispeed train for a while


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That's why they should try hard to not get sanctioned in the next couple of years. As long as Russia is the news, it's a reprieve for China. The moment they have most of what they need, it won't be a big deal if sanctions go full board.

Also, we are so far from 2024 that I wouldn't be too concerned about who is the next president yet.
@tphuang BUT sir who you gonna choose Hillary or Trump? both for me are political soulmate neocons and are natural born American psycho.


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ZTE avoided the worst case scenario.
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It might be good for the company,but not good for the country. You see the interest of companies and government do not always align. Normally,companies have no incentives to change long term suppliers for obvious reason,so avoid sanction is the best case scenario.

But for government the goal is to help domestic supply chain to grow and push for import-substitution,so government want to push Chinese companies to use domestic equipments and materials as much as possible,something which they have no incentives to do so under normal circumstances. And it is understandable,it bears big financial risk to try something new if it doesn't workout.

Just look at the stark contrast between Huawei and ZTE now. Ever since Huawei got sanctioned,it double down on R&D,invested in a whole range of semiconductor companies from equipments to materials,which is very positive for Chinese semiconductor industry. While ZTE escaped from sanction,what did it do afterward?NOTHING. ZTE is just satisfied with their current situation and didn't strive for self-reliant in case new sanction put on them which can happen anytime.

There is an old Chinese proverb "no tear until one sees the coffin" 不见棺材不落泪. Companies do not cherish the precious time they have to push for domestic-substitution for their supplies when not sanctioned,it would be better just get sanctioned now.


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hmm, let's not be rash here. If there is anything Ukraine has shown us, there is a high cost to invading a country. It would be very reckless to do something like this when SMIC itself will probably just make the economic decision to not export to Russia.

We are at the 90 m mark in an 100 m dash. Let's try to complete the last 10 meters and then thumb your nose at sanctions. The way to beat sanctions is to make the sanction itself more economically painful for the country imposing the sanction.
The Ukraine situations is a double edged sword. It's also though Taiwan that when shits happened, Taiwanese will be on their own.


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Field-effect transistor, method for making the same, and electronic circuit​

Application filed by Huawei Technologies Co Ltd -2021​

The application provides a field effect transistor, its preparation method and electronic circuit. During preparation, a channel layer, a control gate layer, a metal gate layer, a hard mask layer and a photoresist are sequentially formed on a substrate After layering, a first photoresist mask pattern is formed, the hard mask layer is dry-etched to form a first hard mask pattern, and the first photoresist mask pattern is subjected to size shrinkage treatment to form a first hard mask pattern. Two photoresist mask patterns, the second photoresist mask pattern exposes the part of the first hard mask pattern to form a step surface, and the first hard mask pattern, the metal gate layer and the control gate layer are sequentially applied Dry etching is performed. During the process of dry etching, the step surface is transferred downward and stays on the sidewall of the control gate. The step surface can improve the leakage problem of the sidewall. A mask patterning process is used to prepare a stepped gate structure. The process complexity and industrial cost are reduced, and only dry etching is used to form the step surface, which reduces the etching damage.


Huawei is getting deep into chip making.


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russia has made a plasma machine called TEUS-100 to inspect 3-5nm EUV lithography!!! -
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what exactly this machine do , bro ?
I did some googling and found this.

EUV Labs and the Institute of Spectroscopy from the Russian Federation provided more details about its
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The technology, called TEUS, is a high-brightness EUV laser produced plasma (LPP) light source based on a fast rotating target. The TEUS-S100 and S400 models employ 100W and 400W of average laser power, respectively. At a separate event, EUV Labs and the Institute of Spectroscopy recently
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about the technology.

“Like any other LPP light source, it uses a laser, which is a solid-state neodymium laser, and target delivery system,” said Mikhail Krivokorytov from EUV Labs in a presentation at SPIE Photomask/EUV. “We use tin as the plasma fuel and under appropriate focus and conditions of the laser, it provides relatively high conversion efficiency.”

What’s different about the technology? The target is based on a liquid metal, which located in a fast rotating crucible. “A fast rotating target has several advantages but the main ones are excellent inherent spatial stability of the source and the fact that fast rotation provides a redirection of droplets away from the optical elements, keeping them clean,” Krivokorytov said during the presentation.

The source power units provide 100 watts, 200 watts, and 400 watts of laser power. “The low power modification, which is TEUS-S100, provides 8.5 milliwatts of in-band EUV irradiation. And the most powerful modification, TEUS-M400, provides more than 100 milliwatts of in-band EUV irradiation,” Krivokorytov said. “The plasma size is 60 microns. And it is the same for all modifications. So EUV source brightness varies from 60 watts per millimeter square per steradian for a 100 watt drive laser up to 240 watts per millimeter squared per steradian for a 400 watt drive laser.”
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