Chinese purchase of Su-35


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There is a CCTV report on Golden Helmet winner Jiang Jiayi. Is that the one you were referring to? If so, there is no information about the Su-35 in that particular report. Only aircraft featured were J-16s, J-11A/Bs, and Su-30s.

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Yankee's Q&A follows a previous article that discusses the use of English in J-16 training as well as translation of Su-35 manuals.
I meant the report that was mentioned and embedded in the previous article you mentioned. It might be this
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Just an amazing model of a PLAAF Su-35 built by @Yufei Mao :) ... modelling in perfection. :-o

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sorry for the small-size pics from the PLA Pictorial...
equipping with deadly anti-ship misslies, now patrolling over the SCS.....







Registered Member
sorry for the small-size pics from the PLA Pictorial...
equipping with deadly anti-ship misslies, now patrolling over the SCS.....






Since the Su-35 doesn't yet support Chinese ordinance, I wonder which AShM it's currently carrying in these claims.


Lieutenant General
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Since the Su-35 doesn't yet support Chinese ordinance, I wonder which AShM it's currently carrying in these claims.

Must be some sort of invisible, stealthy AShMs, since the only stores any of these Su-35 is carrying are the typical ECM-pods, Russian B-13L rocket pods (image 3) and that unique camera pod (image 2).
But I can't see any AShMs.


Registered Member
Must be some sort of invisible, stealthy AShMs, since the only stores any of these Su-35 is carrying are the typical ECM-pods, Russian B-13L rocket pods (image 3) and that unique camera pod (image 2).
But I can't see any AShMs.

I was going to mention that but the story goes that Su-35s are armed with AShM and do conduct these patrols. So the narration is not reflected directly by the photos even though the two may be intended to go together. Just like saying J-10 are now armed with rocket pods and showing just a stock photo of a J-10. It is mostly aimed at an audience that probably has no idea when a AShM is to begin with, let alone what one looks like.

The claim of patrolling SCS with Su-35 and AShM is exactly what many of us predicted for Su-35's role. A frontline fighter used mostly for patrols and intercepts during peacetime. Signatures and intelligence losses to US or Japan will be less of a big deal than exposing something like a J-11 or J-10 which forms the backbone of PLAAF.

Of course there are many other smaller roles for Su-35 that's possible for the platform and how PLAAF wants to use them. Not to mention non-direct benefits (as discussed in past). Whether PLAAF/ PLANAF will want more Su-35s for this role or any others, we will need to wait and see. But there were loud talks claiming more Su-35 orders inside China in the last few months. Delay could be stretched budget maybe? or putting more funds into acquiring J-20. Perhaps even improving it.


VIP Professional
But do we have any previous indication that any PLAAF fighter ever used an anti ship missile? That PLAAF units trained for anti shipping missions?

It's easy enough to buy Kh-31A for Su-35, for example. But without actual history of such missions, assuming Su-35 is indeed doing anti ship may be jumping to conclusions

PLA Pictorial may be an official PLA magazine, but that doesn't mean it's editors are knowledgeable in the matters or that it has any sort of half-decent quality control. Most magazine publications anywhere in the world nowadays are pretty crap when it comes to accuracy.


Registered Member
Keeping emission control is one part, but there is also a huge utility because Su-35 represent the peak of the Indian Air Force and China is getting unrestricted access to these planes. It allows first rate training for PLAAF pilots.

I don’t think any more would be bought. There are enough to simulate a full squadron already.