Yellow tanks, training with no bullet proof vests, un realistic training exercises, smurf blue camo, the list goes on. Maybe having a yellow tank isn't a huge difference but out things together and it's a grim picture.
A lot of times, we don’t know when the photos were taken and under what circumstances.
It could be an actual training. In that case, it would be weird to have yellow oxygen tanks, smurf blue camo, etc.
It could also be a demonstration specifically for some VIPs and/or public, during which it would make sense to make the sailors more visible so that the audience could see them.
It could also be a photo-op thing. Some journalists would like to do a piece on the PLAN spec ops and asked the navy if they could do something cool for the camera. During the shooting, the photographer didn’t like the lighting on the sailors and asked them to do something to make themselves more visible so that it would look cool on camera.
We know that the Chinese media has a weird taste for the military. We have those weird choreographed dancing scenes for the army spec ops, where soldiers were asked to line up and make uniform dancing moves for the camera. It looks super weird. However, you cannot expect that the soldiers would actual train like that. It was specially done for the camera. I don’t think the soldiers liked it either, but they had to do it because the journalists thought it looked “cool”.
I think we need to differentiate between lack of experience, training improvement in progress, and purely for the show or even for safety. In my opinion, training without bullet-proof vests would belong to the category of improvement in progress. A few years back, virtually no PLA soldiers wore vests in training. We begin to more and more training photos of the PLA soldiers wearing vests now. That’s improvement in progress.
Wearing colorful stuff, like pink helmets, blue camo, non-invisible insignia, or in this case yellow oxygen tanks, should be easily categorized as purely for the show, for camera or for safety.
Yes, China has not fought a war in 30 years. However, that does not mean that the Chinese have no understanding of camouflage. The Chinese have fought plenty wars in the modern era. Many mid/upper level PLA officials have personally fought in the Vietnam wars (one in 1979 and the second one in 1984). You don’t think they would have caught such ridiculous things like wearing bright pink helmets or blue camo?
We all know what the traditional uniform color should be for the military. If even we the amateurs know that, shouldn’t the professional military know that too? If something odd pops up, most likely there is a particular reason for that. This is especially true for the PLA as the PLA has been well known to be very conservative. For them to wear something pink, yellow or blue would be unthinkable, unless for some particular well-justified reason. Otherwise, I don t see how the PLA armaments dept would have approved it.
As I have always said before, as amateurs, we need to give the professionals at least the benefit of the doubt before we criticize them. When it is about something out of my own expertise, my first thought when seeing something weird should be there must be something that I don’t know about. It shouldn’t be “these people are so dumb”. It may very well be that they have made a dumb mistake. However, we need to give them the benefit of the doubt simply because they are the professionals but we are not.