chinese mines


New Member
10 years is one thing, but over 50? The article mentions Chinese mines from the Korean war...

In article it is spoken that bottom and moored mines (old or new) are not probable.
During the Korean war North Korea (and China) had only Soviet mines.
Even Chinese navy have received the first Chinese-made mines (copies Soviet) later.

ASuW rising mines RM have been copied by China in 1980th years. Later mines were developed by China already independently. The known Chinese mine EM-52 has been offered on export only at the end of 1990th years. Then they could get to Iran and North Korea.

Though I do not believe in the mine version of Cheonan's sinking, theoretically (0.1 %) it there could be a complex mine device. For example, a mine - torpedo. Lay down certainly shortly before incident (1 day or 1 week or …?).