Issa said:
How many men? I heard they can't land any more than 1900, but I got that info from propaganda sources (GlobalSecurity and FAS). I want to know what Chinese people think. Perhaps you could shed some light in the face of all of this Western propaganda?
You're going to get a wide range of different numbers.
Someone who wants to exaggerate would cite maximum numbers based on troop transport capability. If you look at the "capacity" of a landing ship, it'd say something like:
"200 troops, or 5 tanks, or 10 vehicles, or 500 tons of cargo beaching"
Realistically you cannot count every ship to be carrying maximum # of troops in an amphibious invasion. The troops need tanks, APC's, artillery, heavy equipment, trucks, ammo, food, etc. Unless if you're invading Somolia against militia armed with Ak-47's only.
As for India, why go all the way by ship when you can send the troops over by land?