Alot of Chinese forums in general got shut down recently. Many users there are very knowledgeable in relevant areas like semiconductor, language, ex servicemen, etc but just quit now.
I used to be very active in 龙腾网 (IR, political, economics translation, tons of bilingual people on there including Russian, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic and other non-English languages of significance) and moderately in 铁血网 (kind of like SDF in Chinese).
龙腾论坛(forum section) got shut down for a long time due to political incorrectness and xenophobia - happens when you accurately translate comments from Breitbart and Stormfront.
铁血论坛 got shut down. Zhihu is annoying to read with people going on long monologues. Baidu is filled with childish takes.
the people fleeing those fallen forums could be a big asset.