BrotherofSnake said:
Does China still use the "human wave" tactic they used in Korea?
Oh, comm'on, even if that happened back then, do you think it will happen now?
Dude, just because China was bad and people left doesn't mean China will always be bad and old and obselete........
As for the training, the marines must be able to swim, pack on, pack off, 5 km, 3km. They also train to hold their breath for long periods.
Have you seen the frogmen? Their skin are practically waxed. It's shiny like a frog's.
For duties, the PLA is known to have been sent to help in floods and if needed, act as sandbags, like in 1998.(#$$%^%&(&()&+_|}{":?><,./;'[]\~!@~##~`