The whole 'purge' story is just another fantasy cooked up in Washington think tanks to try to undermine and belittle China.
The 'rationale' behind the 'purge' theory is as elegant as it is baseless.
It stipulates that all officials in China are corrupt, thus by not locking up everyone, Xi is playing favourites, so the anti-corruption drive is a purge about grabbing power rather than actually trying to tackle corruption.
It completely ignores the thousands of 'flies' that are netted, and instead focus only on the exceptionally few cases of high profile individuals, and argue since none are Xi appointees, he must be playing favourites. That is a classic case of selection bias.
The theory completely discount the notion that perhaps Xi actually do want to stamp out corruption within China, so is more careful about who he appoints to key positions and how he runs them compared to other factions.
The theory and those behind it completely discount the possibly that Chinese officials could be motivated by anything other than base greed. So of course they cannot stomach the idea that Xi might be building a faction based on principles and virtues rather than money and benefits to inspire loyalty within his own 'faction'.
As the first rule of data analysis states, rubbish in, rubbish out.
By starting with a baseless, disparaging 'idealistically' driven premise, is it any wonder western theories about China all produce spectacularly bad BS conclusions?
Face it, the reality of Washington today is that idealogical purity trumps even hard concrete scientific facts.
When you have members of the US Congressional Committee on Science openly stating they do not believe or accept scientific facts from renounced NASA scientists, when hard data and the literal true isn't even enough to change minds, is it any wonder that those who say what those in power want to hear gets prominence over those who happen to be right?
Corruption comes in many forms, and in my view, the corruption of intellect is just as bad if not worse than the corruption of morals.
After all, a morally corrupted but intelligent official can still make good decisions when there isn't money involved and/or his sense of self preservation outweighs his sense of greed.
But an intellectually corrupt person who rejects logic, reason and indeed facts and evidence to pursue dogma can, and have done enormous harm and many are continuing to do enormous harm in the US. But I guess I digress...