Chinese fisherman discovers US assault rifle in the Taiwan Straits


New Member
Does this means the US or Taiwanese forces been conducting covert operations in Chinese waters?

The gun is confirmed to be a US made M4 assault rifle with serial number L508120.




據新民網瞭解,17日上午,東海街道潯埔社區的漁民黃某報警稱,其在臺灣海峽大陸與臺灣的中間線附近捕魚時,撒下漁網,竟從海中捕撈到自動步槍一支。黃某在船舶即將靠岸時,主動將槍支交至後渚邊防派出所。經初步鑒定,該槍支長71釐米,3.15公斤,口徑5.56毫米,槍號為L508120,上面刻有“USA”英文等標識,槍支結構為不銹鋼質材,槍雖浸在海中,卻沒有生銹。邊防官兵介紹,槍中沒有子彈。(新民網 楊濤)
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Junior Member
That's a hot SEALs Mk 18 CQBR. It seems like someone dropped the weapon in a hurry. Is he/his unit still alive? Another US SOF blunder against PLA? :china::
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Junior Member
If I do an undercover operation on Chinese soil I should use a Type 81 or another Chinese maid weapon.


New Member
Woah guys dont jump to conclusions, the gun could have been planted by any number of groups for a variety of reasons. Hell, the PLA could have obtained the M4 and put it there to accuse the U.S of covert operations.


Lieutenant General
I highly doubt a special forces team entered into China. If they were caught, it would be an intense international incident. This ain't the movies. Why would an armed team enter China? I'm sure the Tom Clancy fanatics will think up something dramatic and make it out to be some diabolical plot by China that the US foiled. If they can do that with China, then why not Iran? You wouldn't hear talk of a military strike on Iran if it were so easy for special forces to do the job. If I had some secret that was worth the US sending an armed team in, would I put it close to shore? If this special forces team entered from the sea, where could they go that wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb? If it was just intelligence gathering, they don't need to send armed men in to do it? I'm sure somebody will think up something blockbuster.

It's probably something as simple as said in the text... drug dealers or smugglers that dumped their cargo and weapons when a Chinese patrol came along. Or if was the US or even Taiwan, it was intelligence gathering from the boat alone and someone dropped their weapon.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
That's a hot SEALs Mk 18 CQBR. It seems like someone dropped the weapon in a hurry. Is he/his unit still alive? Another US SOF blunder against PLA? :china::

Get real gents. Think this thing through before commenting. The whole thing could be a set up by either the PRC,ROC or US...

One more question..What blunder?

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Get real gents. Think this thing through before commenting. The whole thing could be a set up by either the PRC,ROC or US...

One more question..What blunder?

Yes there is no indication of the movie-worthy scenario some people here seem to be suggesting.

However that gun IS used by the SEALs. But hey, they're the SEALs. They use guns. Lots of guns. Most any type of military-grade gun could be claimed to be "frequently used by US Special Forces".

I've been reading a book about the history of the CIA. It tells of hundreds of CIA-run missions to infiltrate communist bloc countries during the Cold War in situations similar to what *could have* happened here. So don't discount the conspiracy theories too quickly. Something is a little fishy here.

I'm just rambling on and on in no coherent direction. I guess that's all I can do with this story until there's more information, which is not likely.