The fact is they did extend the lifespan of the AL-31 according to this article. Now if they can extend the lifespan of the AL-31, there's no reason the newer design WS-10A will not at least match that lifespan. In fact more likely the WS-10A will exceed it. The problem they were, at one time, having was production issues which has nothing to do with the design of the engine. One of the reasons, imo, they made the decision of not retrofitting the J-10 / older flankers is that it's cheaper and less hassle to continue using the AL-31F engines. The WS-10A still needs to be modified to a version with a different gearbox position for the J-10, not to mention the aft fuselage of the J-10 / older flankers (including for example the engine's holding brackets) would need to be modified to fit the newer engine.
PAK FA uses two types of engine a new type 15 or 25% more powerful than the 117S named type 30 and has been tested already on T-50
В трудные для российского авиапрома годы, авиастроительные фирмы, производившие военные самолеты выжили за счет экспорта, прежде всего в Китай и Индию. Сегодня китайцы скопировали наш "Су-27" и сами готовы продавать его на мировом рынке по демпинговым ценам. Не потеряем ли мы в результате наши традиционные рынки боевых самолетов?
— Не потеряем, потому что такого самолета как у нас, у китайцев нет и в ближайшее время не будет! Они говорят, что сделали самолет 5-го поколения, но говорить можно что угодно… Их лучший двигатель скопирован с нашего "АЛ-31Ф". У нас же действительно двигатель 5-го поколения, и он по всем своим параметрам, по тяге, по удельному расходу топлива соответствует 5-му поколению. Я приоткрою тайну и скажу, что у нас фактически уже есть два двигателя 5-го поколения. Второй, который сейчас условно называется "тип 30", уже испытывался в полете на истребителе "Т-50". В дальнейшем ему, наверное, дадут имя "АЛ-…". По своим параметрам он на 15-25 процентов превосходит "117-й
During the difficult years for the Russian aircraft industry, aircraft building company that produced military aircraft survived by exports, especially in China and India. . Today, the Chinese have copied our Su-27 "and are ready to sell it on world markets at dumping prices. Not whether we lose as a result of our traditional markets of combat aircraft?
Do not lose, because such an aircraft as we do, the Chinese have no time soon will be! They say that the plane made the 5-th generation, but you can say anything ... They are the best engine copied from our "AL-31F. We also do engine 5-th generation, and it is in all of its parameters on traction, in specific fuel consumption corresponds to the 5-th generation. I opened the secret and say that we actually already have two motors 5-th generation. The second, which is now conventionally called the "Type 30", has already been tested in flight on the fighter T-50 ". In the future it probably will give the name of "ALAccording to its parameters it a 15-25 percent greater than "117 th
interview to Vicktor Chepkin Russian engine designer
First Deputy General Director of JSC "NPO Saturn" R & D & D - General Designer Victor CHEPKIN.