Chinese Engine Development


Junior Member
Registered Member
I think it would be great if there were some good summaries on the current level of Chinese miltech, especially for those of us who don't know much. In this case the state of engine technology. If anyone has some good links that don't seem overly biased and get somewhat in-depth I'd appreciate it, but would also enjoy (as I'm sure many of us would) those who have really taken a deep look at Chinese developments, people like Bltizo or Deino, and/or those have do have expertise and knowledge, to go in-depth with summaries as well. On where China was, how much it seems to have progressed, places it may still lack significantly, so on.

For example, one thing I've read from a Chinese think tank is that TBOH (time between overhauls) for Western combat aircraft engines average 2,000 hours, while Chinese have usually been 300 hours and only recently progressed to 500 hours. No idea if this is true, no idea if it's really just outdated information but still technically true, etc. I have no context for understanding the truthfulness of this information, but I bet people like Blitizo or Deino might, and I think it would be amazing if there was such a compendium of knowledge freely shared for any new or old and ignorant prospective members to look at.

I know it wouldn't be perfect and many things would simply be estimated, but it does look like some of our professionals have historically had a far better eye on what makes sense than some of these think tanks or journals (which have sometimes been so incompetent that even I've been able to rebut some of them).


VIP Professional
I'm still waiting for even the basic stuff like clear cut thrust, weight and fuel consumption figures for WS-10B (C would be too much to ask for I guess) coming from an official Zhuhai promotional material.


Registered Member
For example, one thing I've read from a Chinese think tank is that TBOH (time between overhauls) for Western combat aircraft engines average 2,000 hours, while Chinese have usually been 300 hours and only recently progressed to 500 hours. No idea if this is true, no idea if it's really just outdated information
Outdated Information by a decade or so. A decade back WS-10 series and its technical issues were the subject of much ridicule by the then elated foreign analysts and observers.

I wouldn't say all issues are resolved ( because as many points out, there is no clear official output of TBOH numbers for any turbofan engine series till now).
But we can be certain that it hasn't exceeded and reached western engine figures ( because China would've highlighted it and made it an achievement, rightfully).

But it isn't certainly as abysmal as the 500 hour figure as China has pushed the WS-10 series to almost every aircraft type that can equip it. I'm optimistic that Chinese engine TBOH figures are as good or slightly better than Russian engines.


New Member
Registered Member
I'm still waiting for even the basic stuff like clear cut thrust, weight and fuel consumption figures for WS-10B (C would be too much to ask for I guess) coming from an official Zhuhai promotional material.
I think ws10b ws 10c ws10cae and etc are no longer been put into road map.
The WS10 they put on show this year is called a developed model of WS10 engine,
I think most imprvoment are already been intergrated into this new model and as the ultimate WS10.
Since WS15 is almost ready for services, give WS10 an ending is reasonalbe