Did American reached 20 TWR at 2019, meaning an engine (prototyp at least) double the TWR of F119?It will reach the same stage achieved by the America 20 TWR engine at the year 2019 by 2030.
The ppt is apparently taking VAATE as a benchmark. But by reading VAATE's detail, it is more of a budgetary program that will never end (itself a revival of IHPTET from 1988), and does not guarantee a target engine. I would treat the ppt in the same manner. They are more of a wish and vision rather than concrete road-map of actual engine, therefor not saying much.
Here is and I quote the part concerning staged goal.
The paper is made in 2006, by 2017 it would be 10 years in progress.The VAATE program goal reflects these requirements, specifically, that by 2017 the military user will realize a factor of ten (“10X”) improvement in turbine engine-based propulsion system affordable capability. “Affordable capability” is defined as the ratio of propulsion system capability to cost. “Capability” in this context measures technical performance parameters including thrust, weight, and fuel consumption. “Cost” quantifies the total cost of ownership, and includes development, procurement, and life cycle maintenance cost. These improvements are to be realized relative to a baseline representative of year-2000 state-of-the-art systems.
In 10 years, the Capability/Cost ratio will increase 10 fold compared with a year 2000 state-of-the-art engine (F-119 and F-135). I don't see anything today that fulfills that goal.