Chinese engine industry is clearly behind western companies like GE, P&W, RR, Safran. While it may pass Russians and Ukrainians in the future, it's also currently behind them. Saying that it's not behind these countries because it has a whole portfolio of products only means it has more projects. It's still behind those countries in terms of technology.
Saying England only makes sub assemblies is entirely laughable. Half of the wide body airliners use Rolls Royce engines.
- China is behind GE, P&W and RR, but China is also ahead of many others. Some people like to focus on the first half of that statement, lumping irrelevant nations with the top dogs then argue China is behind. That is laughable.
- It is easy for Russians and Ukrainians to be ahead with Soviet hand-me-downs. Ukraine is no longer a player, for obvious geopolitical reasons. For Russia, the value of their Soviet materials is rapidly diminishing, but the country has not truly proved itself. Even Dmitry Rogozin said recently that Russia has not tested a new aircraft engine in 29 years!
- Having a large portfolio is absolutely vital. The current state of Russian naval industry can testify to that, now that Ukraine ceased supplying ... gas turbine engines. Suddenly, Russia doesn't appear to be so ahead. Putting things together only makes one an assembler. Being able to do everything from scratch is what distinguishes one as a master. Hence, the importance of a portfolio.
- RR being just a supplier of sub-assemblies to F-135 engine is an accurate description. It is not a poo-poo on RR. Other than to save a few bucks, it made no difference to the United States, as the country possesses all the links in the chain already.
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