j11b went into serial production in 2007, allegedly 5 years after first flight. That'd make some 7 years of production so far for a total of roughly 140-150 planes. (assuming this second planaf regiment has been fully formed by now)
Overall that is around 20 something j11b/bs per year, but there was probably some sort of ramp up in the beginning. something like (this is for illustration only) 8 airframes in 2007, 16 in 2008, 24 from 2009 onward.
There's clearly some j15 production going on, hard to tell how many, possibly we're in the middle of the first or second year of serial production so perhaps 8-24 planes total. J16 may be on the verge of being ready but, alongside J15, it seems likely to me it really is waiting until last batch of j11b is out of the door. So maybe first half of next year we might see some j16s for testing and tactics development with PLAAF. Probably not a full regiment formed on top of the training and tactics development examples though before 2015.
All in all, it does seem 24 or so is peak rate at which shenyang produced both j11a and j11b. At times it was a bit less, when a new model was worked into. Perhaps the line which produced J8s will be used for extra planes, though, that's hard to tell. But would that mean a regiment of j11b and a regiment of j16 side by side each year? Or two regiments of j16? The latter seems like a better option, especially concerning the number of q5 regiments to be replaced. But that doubled flanker production rate seems another year or so away, i don't think it happened yet, otherwise we would've already seen more new regiments formed in the last two years.