If there's money to be made, companies will get into it. The fact the Chinese aren't even trying to compete with even the Russians, let alone Americans and EU means WS-10A engines are still substandard and not ready for prime time.
How do you know that the Chinese didn't try to get the engines into international market? Note this... the Chinese are not allow or would sell their J-11B (some copyright issues with the Russian, I think), so without that, no other airforce in the world had the J-11B (which had been designed with WS-10A in mind). All other aircrafts are either designed with European, Russian or US engines because it is those aircrafts that these countries operate.
I mean, lets be reasonable here. The chinese didn't sell that much aircrafts around, and those sold, either already had designed engines for it (mainly from Russia) or are not able to fit a bigger engine like the WS-10A. Therefore there is only the J-11B at the moment.
That again doesn't mean that engine are not ready... or the Chinese would not have dare to put these engines into the belly of their frontline fighters.
Also, lets take a look at the international customers... most are using US, Russian and European fighters, and these fighters already came with engines... if you are the purchaser of a fighter type whose airforce are used to (lets say) US fighter, would you get a... say... F15 and tell the US that you don't want their engine, but wanted the WS-10A which you have absolutely no technical expertise on? and had to retrain all your maintanence crews to use that engine, plus required the US company to totally re-design their F-15 to allow for the WS-10A, the same example would goes for Russian aircraft - say... the closest being the Su-27... would you abandon the engines that came with the Su-27, and opt for the Chinese WS-10A, thus wanting the Russian to redesign the Su-27 body that you want to buy and fit it with the WS-10A that you have no experience in?
Doing business and economy is not just about money (utimately, it will be money, but it is not always that apparent in the beginning) - and this include;
1) Politics,
2) Hidden cost (maintanence, operation, cost of redesigning of existing aircraft, spare parts, etc, etc)
3) Confidence in the engine (not that the engine is no good, but at present moment only J-11B had it and no one other than the Chinese had flown that aircraft, so it is not known to other operators as to how good that engine is)
4) The Chinese not selling it to the international market because it was the best engines they might have at the moment and no one would sell their best stuff to other people.
And I have mention this once... we are in a military thread, lets not talk about something that you are not familiar with and stick with something you are good with.