It's an article posted by a well known China hater, what did you expect?
Had a quick skim of the article, and it didn't surprise me one bit to turn out to be a piece of dross.
Looks like some journalist with strong agenda took a piece of academic thought exercise and tried to pass it off as a realistic assessment of the likely consequences if anyone was truly moronic enough to try actually implement that sort of obvious bare faced lie that Trump has trademarked.
China isn't some 3rd world banana republic the US can slap around for lolz with zero consequences.
For the US to impose that sort of stupid blanket tariff on Chinese goods will see a near-immediate and equally devastating Chinese economic retaliation that will be launched at the same time as a Chinese WTO complaint against America, which China will win hands down.
Such a move will undoubtably hurt China, but China can and will take steps to make sure America suffers just as much, if not more so.
Furthermore, such a massive trade war will drag the entire global economy down around the two combatants, so you will see pretty much the entire world suffer and not even the western media will be able to spin hard enough to convince any reasonable person it's not all Trump's America's doing.
Oh, and just to put a cherry on top, such a tariff will likely end up being mostly passed on to American consumers.
Chinese manufacturing outfits make razor thin profits as it is, it's the US megaCorps like Walmart, Apple and Amazon etc who pocket most of the profits from trade.
If they tried to pass on much of those new tariff costs to Chinese manufacturers, those manufacturers will either go out of business or simply refuse the contract and seek opportunities elsewhere.
Fat chance those megaCorps will take the hit out of their own pockets, so the only possible outcome is going to be greatly increased costs of Chinese goods for American consumers.
Exactly the point you say? Well far from it!
Problem is China is the factory of the world. Squeeze China out of the US market and no one else has anything like the capacity to step in and fill the volid.
As any high school economics student will tell you, when the supply of goods is massively constricted, prices jump up.
If Trump makes $100 Chinese goods $145, the Vietnamese, Mexican and other companies who were making similar products previously for $105 are not going to keep their goods still at $105. No, they are going to raise the price of their goods to maybe $140, because they know they will still have more orders than they can meet at that price, so why the hell not?
So, American consumers who can afford the price hit will find a huge portion of their average essential goods have suddenly become significantly more expensive so their disposable incomes will take a big hit, along with their spending power to buy those expensive luxury items that are more often made in the US, Europe or other developed economy, spreading the pain to those countries.
Those who cannot afford the new prices will suddenly find that they cannot make ends meet, which will cause tremendous human suffering and almost certainly a spike in crime, because if history has taught us one thing, it's that many good honest people will turn to crime before watching their own babies starve.
No, this is just another Trumpism like his much trumpeted Great Wall of Mexico.
It's a good sound bite to hook the poorly educated angry people, but make actually zero sense because what he is blaming isn't and has never been the real source of the problems, and his suggested advise will only make things significant worse with zero prospect of achieving any of the intended goals.
American voters really should be compelled to take a long hard, honest look at how Trump conducted his business.
The link below is a classic example of the way he operates
And this offers great insight into why he comes up with a lot of the BS idea that he does. Simply put, he was able to abuse the power his wealth granted him, and America's two-tier justice system where the rich and powerful get a overwhelming advantage, to bully small businesses he did business with, and get away with some frankly jaw-dropping stunts.
He has been able to get away with that sort of behaviour so consistently and for so long that I believe that's how he honestly think the world operates.
Up to a point he is correct, and the real ironic tragedy is that if he became president, he could and would almost certainly employ those same tactics he used against small businesses against small countries.
He will make ridiculous demands, and then see those demands met because his victims know that it would ultimately cost them more to stand up to him than to just capitulate.
The real danger will come if he tried that against a true heavyweight with backbone.
If Trump finds himself loosing the economics 'war', he would be real tempted to try using real wars to make up for it.
But that is getting sidetracked.
The point to all this is to lend some insight into Trump 'rationale' for saying what he says.
While objectively speaking, Trump's economic suggestions and ideas are full of holes and almost senseless, that does not necessary mean he won't go through with them anyways. Because he is likely to use extortion-like tactics alongside those stupid suggestions, which will carry so much threat that countries may well decide it's less damaging to just accept his demands even if they make no sense.
I can easily see him saying, 'Mexico, pay for that wall or we will send the US army in, annex 100km of Mexico and declare that a patriotic national security self defence zone. Anyone in that zone gets drone striked no questions asked'.
Faced with that sort of a choice, paying for the wall suddenly seems a lot more agreeable if you were in Mexico's shoes.
It has to be remembered that Trump knows how to use a carrot as well as a stick, and is smart enough to know which one to chose most of the time.
With China, he may say, 'give us these economic concessions and I will repeal the Taiwan relations act'.
For that prize, I can see China being willing to pay almost any price. That will all be done behind closed doors of course, so Trump can publically sell that as him having faced up to the might Chinese dragon and won a glorious victory for America and the free world, democracy, Chrisitanity, gun rights and baby Jesus!