This article mentions 20% NPL at chinese banks. What do you think?
and there are experts that claim China's growth rate is close to zero. On what basis they made their claim on? How can we know they didn't pull their numbers out of their asses?
This article mentions 20% NPL at chinese banks. What do you think?
Just for fun and perspective, regarding the quality of inventions, I suggest you to google "Japanese inventions", then click pictures, see what you get.China is clearly making important progress, but there's quantity of innovations and then there's quality of innovations. US, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and the bigger Western countries have both, and China wouldn't be at the same level until its quality is first-rate.
A country which is expected to have a middle class of 800 million with its associated discretionary spending is too good a market for any country to contemplate walking away from as suggested in the korea thread.
It has been dubbed the "mining to the dining" boom and Australia has sent its biggest-ever trade delegation to China to capitalise on it.
It is a major shift in Australia's trading relationship with China as the world's second-biggest economy restructures from manufacturing and exports towards services and consumption.
On the outskirts of Beijing is a vision of the future — a high-tech, clean green agricultural centre that uses hydroponics and LED lighting to minimise water, energy and land usage.
It is a message to the 300 Australian business delegates who are touring the site.
Michael Boddington, an agribusiness consultant who has been working in China for 18 years, said China
was moving away from basic food production to more value-added food production.
"The key message that pulls through the Government is sustainable agriculture, food security and food safety," Mr Boddington said.
China's middle class is driving the change, with consumption (not exports) now the biggest driver of the economy. Consumption is only set to grow by 2030, with China expected to have a middle class of a staggering 800 million people..
Australians must adapt to different style of business
Australian producers are well placed to profit from this but Australians already doing business in China said it was easy to underestimate the difficulty and complexity of the market.
ess Cam from Signature Beef, who has been selling beef to the Chinese for a decade, said producers had to "drill down and make specific relationships".
"Not every relationship is successful so it's a process of doing the legwork, doing homework and building relationships," she said.
Guy Adams, who runs the family winery Brothers in Arms, said doing business in China was all about patience.
"The way people do business, the style of things, the tastes, the packaging, everything is quite complex so one model doesn't suit all," he said.
Government, investors not fazed by economic slowdown
This week 1,000 business people will visit 150 locations all over China, to capitalise on the new market access delivered by the free trade agreement signed last year.
Minister of Trade and Investment Steven Ciobo is not deterred by the slowdown in China and says the volumes of trade are massive.
Slower growth rates of 6.9 per cent of GDP are equivalent to 12 per cent growth rates of a decade ago as the economy has doubled in size. At end of the week Mr Ciobo expects some key deals to be concluded.
"We want to develop key relationships, people to people, because ultimately the benchmark of success will be by building these relationships, growing Australian exports, investments and that will under-source economic growth for many years to come," Mr Ciobo said.
The value of Australia's food exports to China has grown 16 per cent over the last decade and at this rate the Reserve Bank predicts it will overtake iron ore by 2030.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will fly to China tomorrow to support the trade push.
Maybe Taiwan Province, Republic of China, or as a compromise, how about Taiwan Province, China? Either way, the 'Province' part should be 100% clear to those Taiwan independence lunatics.If I were PRC top official, I would allow Taiwan to join and submit the application directly as "Chinese Taipei"