There's no rhyme or reason to this. This is plain ethnocentrism. Plenty of evidence from animal rights activists that US slaughterhouses butcher animals while still alive. The fact is animal rights activists have to use someone else to vilify to get their message across because pointing the finger at their own has turned people away from their cause. Pointing the finger at someone else to them lessens the crime when they commit it. I just posted a story here about the World Bank committing the very same acts Obama "worried" over AIIB. Same with cyber espionage before Snowden's revelations. Fact is that's a tactic to distract from themselves from feeling guilty. It's not about treating dogs with respect. Pigs are just as smart as dogs yet it's all right to slaughter them. How about whales? Even smarter yet look at the long slow death being dragged by harpoon ship. Like that practice isn't about keeping the animal alive until it gets slaughtered and packaged and then frozen keeping it fresh? When Asian eats snails, that's gross. But when the French make escargot, that's fine dining. How about foie gras? Preserving French culture is more important than stopping the torture of a goose. Save a dog or cat who are not endangered just as a pig yet the pig is ugly so it's okay to kill. Love the barbaric scale of things. No wonder there's always a hint of racism at the core wrapped around civility from the critics. The critics' lifestyle is more damaging to the environment. They mock other cultures for eating the other parts of the same animal they eat from but they throw away. More waste comes out of their lifestyle. The idea of slaughtering the animal at the last minute comes from the belief of the fresher the meat, the better it tastes. Something you always hear from Western chefs. Back during my more activists days when the animals right activists attacked San Francisco's Chinatown for the sale of live animals for food, they claimed fresh meat being better was a myth. Before that I remember people criticizing the Chinese having their own stores selling their own foods meaning Chinese have refused to assimilate as Americans. Like they care about that when it was just about establishing Chinese as a threat to their way of life. It's a continuous chain of new excuses after the last one gets old. They pollute more per capita than anyone else yet everyone is suppose to embrace their lifestyle? Preserving and spreading their life style is more important than the environment? And they don't understand why there's resistance in the light of "cruelty." It's like how the British brought caning to Singapore yet now it's looked upon as a barbarism of Singapore. Are they going to do the same thing when you embrace their culture and waste just as much as they do but label it still something foreign when you do it? Which brings up the question, why bother listening to them in the first place?