Chinese Economics Thread


Inner Mongolia has benefited from mining, tourism, and diary farming boom. Jilin's high growth rate is due to EV boom. Both Inner Mongolia and Jilin are also greatly benefited from trade with Russia and the resurgence of heavy industry sectors including military.

Liaoning is more complicated. Liaoning got a boost from farming, food industry, auto production, and chemical. Liaoning has always been a major industrial hub and a few major projects such as oil refineries, chemical plants and EV were built in recent years and helped stabilized Liaoning growth rate.

Gansu is having a major tourism boom. As it is relative small economy, a few chemical projects have also greatly boosted the growth rate.


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china auto export hit all time high in September at over 500k units

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largest market is Russia with 95k export!



all this Chinese export of heavy duty trucks and tractors have kept Russian economy functioning like normal.


Registered Member
Inner Mongolia has benefited from mining, tourism, and diary farming boom. Jilin's high growth rate is due to EV boom. Both Inner Mongolia and Jilin are also greatly benefited from trade with Russia and the resurgence of heavy industry sectors including military.

Liaoning is more complicated. Liaoning got a boost from farming, food industry, auto production, and chemical. Liaoning has always been a major industrial hub and a few major projects such as oil refineries, chemical plants and EV were built in recent years and helped stabilized Liaoning growth rate.

Gansu is having a major tourism boom. As it is relative small economy, a few chemical projects have also greatly boosted the growth rate.

Inner Mongolia major industries are smart Mining , Chemical industries , Rare earth industry , metallurgy , equipment manufacturing , tourism and farming .. province HDI stands at 0.78 which is consider High.

you have missed a lot in Liaoning province.

Northeast region is one of the earliest regions in Asia to get industrialized. still this region is Scientific/technological powerhouse in China.

recent boom in High tech in China greatly benefitting Northeast region. especially Liaoning province.

Liaoning province is the home of some High End machine tools makers , Aero engine manufacturer , aerospace/Aviation firms , Nuke powered submarine manufacturer , and most recently Semiconductor equipment companies , automobile , shipbuilding and Medical equipment.

Shenyang Aero engine last year total revenue hit 22 Billion RMB. went from nothing to one of the largest Aero engine manufacturer in the world. Shenyang engine/aviation corporation contributing a lot in City's GDP. building new infrastructure and research facilities.

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is the biggest software company in China.

Anshan Steel is responsible of all steel cutting for PLAN ships , aircraft carrier and the most important Submarines.

in recent years Northeast region get a new life. thanks to China's rise in high tech sectors. and this will continue.

now lets come to Gansu province.

Gansu province has one of the lowest GDP/capita in whole of China but Capital city Lanzhou has 12,000 dollars per capita income. and city is heavy industrialized.

Gansu has one of the largest
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in China and Lanzhou itself is the center of the province's petrochemical industry.
Lanzhou city also manufacture
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and rolling stock for the northwestern railways. industrial machinery , metallurgy , industrial chemicals , Aluminum industry , mid end machine tools , mining equipment and fertilizers.


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China to issue a special sovereign debt of 1000 billion yuans for disaster recovery and rebuild, improving protection against natural disasters and loss prevention. The first half will be transferred to local authorities in the Q4 of this year. The second half will be in the next year.

This will increase the fiscal deficit from 3880 billions to 4880 billions for Y2023. The deficit to GDP ratio will increase from 3% to 3.8% accordingly.

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China to issue a special sovereign debt of 1000 billion yuans for disaster recovery and rebuild, improving protection against natural disasters and loss prevention. The first half will be transferred to local authorities in the Q4 of this year. The second half will be in the next year.

This will increase the fiscal deficit from 3880 billions to 4880 billions for Y2023. The deficit to GDP ratio will increase from 3% to 3.8% accordingly.

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An additional 1 trillion yuan of government bonds will be issued in the fourth quarter, Xinhua News Agency explains the meaning behind it​

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 24 (Reporter Shen Cheng) The central government will issue an additional 1,000 billion yuan in 2023 treasury bonds in the fourth quarter of this year. All the additional treasury bonds will be arranged to local governments through transfer payments to focus on supporting post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and disaster prevention. The shortcomings of disaster reduction and relief are to improve the country's ability to withstand natural disasters as a whole.

On the 24th, the Sixth Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress voted to adopt the resolution of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on approving the State Council's issuance of additional treasury bonds and the 2023 central budget adjustment plan, clarifying the above arrangements.

Since the beginning of this year, many places in our country have suffered from heavy rains, floods, typhoons and other disasters, and local post-disaster recovery and reconstruction tasks have been heavy. In recent years, various types of extreme natural disasters have occurred frequently, placing higher demands on my country's disaster prevention, reduction, and relief capabilities. The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting on August 17 to study and deploy flood prevention, flood relief, and post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work, and proposed to "accelerate recovery and reconstruction" and "further enhance my country's disaster prevention, reduction, and relief capabilities."

In order to implement the spirit of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and ensure the implementation of relevant work with strong funds, the central government will issue an additional 1,000 billion yuan in 2023 treasury bonds in the fourth quarter of this year, which will be managed as special treasury bonds. The national fiscal deficit will increase from 3.88 trillion yuan to 4.88 trillion yuan, and the deficit rate is expected to increase from 3% to about 3.8%.

All the additional government bonds issued this time will be allocated to local governments through transfer payments. It is planned to use 500 billion yuan this year and carry forward 500 billion yuan for use next year . According to the Ministry of Finance, the funds will be used in eight major areas : post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, key flood control and management projects, natural disaster emergency response capacity improvement projects, other key flood control projects, irrigation area construction and renovation and key soil erosion control projects, and urban drainage and flood prevention capacity improvement. Action, comprehensive prevention and control system construction projects for key natural disasters, and high-standard farmland construction in Northeast China and disaster-stricken areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

I think the article has a flow that this "additional 1 trillion yuan of government bonds" will not increase the fiscal deficit by 1T yuan. It will increase but of the amount of the interest of the new bonds of 1T yuan and not the value of the bond itself


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I think the article has a flow that this "additional 1 trillion yuan of government bonds" will not increase the fiscal deficit by 1T yuan. It will increase but of the amount of the interest of the new bonds of 1T yuan and not the value of the bond itself
I am not following. The article does not mention the interest rate at all.

This is the sentence copied from the article (emphasis theirs). It says "The national fiscal deficit will increase from 3880 billions yuan to 4880 billions. Accordingly the deficit to GDB ratio will increase from 3% to 3.8%."



I am not following. The article does not mention the interest rate at all.

This is the sentence copied from the article (emphasis theirs). It says "The national fiscal deficit will increase from 3880 billions yuan to 4880 billions. Accordingly the deficit to GDB ratio will increase from 3% to 3.8%."

Fiscal deficit is the difference between Govt income (Tax, dividend, duty, etc) and spending (social, defence, health, education, interest, etc)

So when you increased the debt, the debt ratio to GDP is increased to but the fiscal deficit has nothing to do with debt directly. Yes the higher the debt will increase the fiscal deficit as you have to pay more interest payment


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I am not following. The article does not mention the interest rate at all.

This is the sentence copied from the article (emphasis theirs). It says "The national fiscal deficit will increase from 3880 billions yuan to 4880 billions. Accordingly the deficit to GDB ratio will increase from 3% to 3.8%."

The big guy now understands printing more money is the way to solve the economic problem..


Registered Member
The big guy now understands printing more money is the way to solve the economic problem..
The infrastructure building will of course be a nice side bonus, but the main aim of natural disaster improvements is very important.

Actually I don't see that as an expense at all, more like an investment for the future. The world is increasingly going to face "once every 50 years" phenomenons, so you might as well as prepare from now to reduce the future costs from climate change induced damage.