See where they are going with this. When the shoe is on the other foot, and the Chinese SOE wants to buy something from an ASEAN company, then they will want to pay them in dollars, just to get rid of dollars. China gets rid of its dollars, and the ASEAN company gets something that is currently higher priced, everyone happy.
Okay, we can now even go one step further in our thoughts.
Maybe something like this could be in the works.
China is still a command economy, in some respects.
We also know that with the situation in Europe, there could be a global slowdown.
Ergo, what should China do?
Since the dollar is expensive, means that others wants dollars, and since China got lots of dollars that they might not necessarily want (yah, go figure), then why not for China to go on a spending spree, building up inventory of stuff.
Essentially using the Chinese dollar reserves to stockpile commodities.
- when the dollar is high
- when global recession is a real threat
- when they want to get rid of their dollar for prudent reasons of diversification
If they were a command economy, then this is what they should be doing.
Other people, the trading partners of China, will appreciate the orders, and the generosity of paying in dollars.
Plus the fact that they got a BRI commercial network already in place.
When opportunity knocks, go answer that freaking door! Like a MoFos.
That's business. Sometimes gotta be ruthless and cunning. Like those Godfather movies, which Marlon Brando and Al Pacino.
The Biden people, they think they are ruthless and cunning, when they are not. They more stupid than anything else.
The Americans need President Trump back, before things get worst. Trump, he's the savior, the chosen one.