Thank Xi; only he can allow it.Tencent and NetEase allowed to issue new games after 14-month freeze
Beijing gives nod to licenses as it gradually loosens crackdown on tech sector
Thank god. Video games provide jobs for software developers and help support China's software community. It also helps prop up demand for GPUs and the entire industrial chain behind them. Safe to say it's an important part of any tech industry. These game companies should prosper and be pushed to invest more in R&D.
Gaming companies are a double-edged sword. An industry is useful or not depending on what it does/how it benefits society, NOT just because it can generate jobs. This is the American philosophy of putting the cart before the horse and they need it because they're all about elections and producing paper results or things that can be spun as successes but in China, the value of an interprise is in what it produces for the people/nation weighed against what it needs to consume (materials, labor, space, etc...) to do it. In other words, employing 1,000 workers while doing nothing positive (or having a neutral effect) is a net effect of taking 1,000 people away from the nation's labor force (plus the space they occupy). Education and development of the youth for contribution to the country is the main goal. Games almost never do something positive for this, usually sucking time away, causing kids to become addicted to a fake world investing their time and resources for nothing. There's the argument that if you don't do it, other countries will and your people will not only be addicted to those games but pay that money to foreign companies. There's also the argument that the effect of your games is to make money for you, employ your people, but the brain-rot effect on kids is global and thus a net zero. I've also heard that those who play games in moderation and escape true addiction can develop superior problem-solving skills. So the results are mixed. Ideally, they would produce incredibly addictive non-problem solving button smash low IQ games that appeal to foreigners but NOT Chinese people though I don't think that's possible. At best, they may produce some mildly addicitve heavily problem-solving games that inspire Chinese patriotism and use thick Chinese culture/background to make them much more appealing to Chinese people than foreigners. If they can achieve this, then, I would say they are in a good place. In the end, China has more young talent than any other country and disruption is usually felt more locally than globally. Because of the vast amounts of inherent dangers and the very narrow window that might be considered success, the Chinese gaming industry must be closely regulated so it doesn't funnel money into the pockets of corporations at the cost of disporportionately brain-rotting Chinese kids away from their studies and healthy development. This is why the CCP must keep a tight leash on gaming companies with its finger on the trigger at all times.
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