Chinese Economics Thread


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We in italy call tutoring "ripetizioni" and its a great source of "economia in nero" (sort of black market to evade taxes). This online tutoring is my opinion legalized black market.


Registered Member
Stock market going up and down has yet to provide any change in my income. Nobody living paycheck to paycheck gives a damn what the NASDAQ is.

Exactly. Well said. There's always been a disconnect between the stock market and the ordinary average man! Margrate Thatcher tried to altered that, (she called it "home owning, share owning democracy). But all it did was made a few people fast buck in the process, and it all reverted back into the hands of the big institutions investors.

Well I wouldn't dismiss stock market. But it is a long term investment. If you choose your stock wisely, have a steel nerve, ride out up and down, then over the time you do make money
Stock is a share ownership in company. Over the year if the company make money you too will make the money. but you cannot make money overnight or in one or two years. Need patience, forbearance and steel nerve.

As when I was in the loop. We always said it is a long term investment. Unfortunately, CEOs with short contracts 3 to 5 years usually, and investors impatient for a quick return made it not so.

Ofcourse its important. They can do stock offering at higher price to raise good capital for expansion, research or other expenses. Tesla do it regularly to maintain balance sheet, pay salary, make new factories or expand abroad. I don't know about companies but CEO's or founder of the company also take loans by putting their stock as collateral. Hence drastic reduction in stock price can trigger margin call and force the person/company to sell their stock, business.

Thanks for the reply. But my question was directed at @gadgetcool5 because his fixation, just like Trump on stock price. And the inference he and Trump get that economy is doing well because of stock price.

Also, what you wrote is not the complete picture. For example, paying salaries from stock price increase?? Completely incorrect. All stock price increase goes to a share premium account in the balance sheet.

But I'll stop here. Because I'm fed up with gadgetfool keeps on about stock price. Which is why I address the question to him since he profess to know all about stock market and firms capital struture.

The man cries wolf about low fertility and rightfully so because its a huge treat hanging above China's future but also cries wolf when Beijing demolishes expensive private tutoring (and makes it non-profit) which is one of the many reasons that child rearing is so expensive and stressfull for parents. He maybe worships Americanized capitalism above society wide well being.

Yes, he knows little but profess to know alot!

You don't need steel nerves.

If you invest a set monthly amount into an index tracker for more than 5 years, you will make an average of 7%-9% per year.

A tracker is not available to your ordinary man. You need to buy into a investor that is a "chartist" as opposed to "fundamentalists". A tracker uses passed data and make use of computer software to track stock movements. It assumed there's a relationship between past data and therefore extrapolate to predict the future.

This means, as I tell my students, they are assuming past data (numbers) have memories. Which of course it's absurd.

It is even more assured to think a company's value could increase/decrease without any significant income stream increasing/decreasing.

Ok. I'll stop here as I'm interested in what I friend can tell me about stock market! I don't want to give him any more lead! Lol
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Registered Member
A tracker is not available to your ordinary man. You need to buy into a investor that is a "chartist" as opposed to "fundamentalists". A tracker uses passed data and make use of computer software to track stock movements. It assumed there's a relationship between past data and therefore extrapolate to predict the future.

This means, as I tell my students, they are assuming past data (numbers) have memories. Which of course it's absurd.

It is even more assured to think a company's value could increase/decrease without any significant income stream increasing/decreasing.

Ok. I'll stop here as I'm interested in what I friend can tell me about stock market! I don't want to give him any more lead! Lol

Index trackers are available to everyone. It's not difficult to buy a FTSE100, NASDAQ or DJIA index tracker.

And there's no prediction "chartist" or "fundamentalist" with index trackers, and therefore fees are minimal.

It's the index compilers which add new successful companies based on how big they are and then remove the smallest companies.


Registered Member
By introducing all these new regulations to protect the low skilled workers you are making it more difficult for low skilled workers to find jobs. Which may create the very unrest in society you want to prevent. Its a paradox!

That is not accurate. You've been fed a neo-liberal lie by the media and the wealthy in the USA.

The studies show low-paid workers spend more of what they earn, whereas higher-paid workers save a higher proportion of income.

So higher pay at the bottom results in MORE economic activity overall, and a higher level of overall employment and well-being in the economy.

This means a more equal society in terms of income and living standards.
The studies (as per the Economist) also show this results in a society with a higher level of overall happiness.
And that everyone (both poor and rich) is healthier as well.

But you'll never see the Wall Street Journal publish this, because it goes against their neo-liberal free-market ideology.


Registered Member
That is not accurate. You've been fed a neo-liberal lie by the media and the wealthy in the USA.

The studies show low-paid workers spend more of what they earn, whereas higher-paid workers save a higher proportion of income.

So higher pay at the bottom results in MORE economic activity overall, and a higher level of overall employment and well-being in the economy.

This means a more equal society in terms of income and living standards.
The studies (as per the Economist) also show this results in a society with a higher level of overall happiness.
And that everyone (both poor and rich) is healthier as well.

But you'll never see the Wall Street Journal publish this, because it goes against their neo-liberal free-market ideology.
The technique is to buy nasdaq index funds, which keep on going up.


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That's it. I've had enough. Come on Sherlock. Tell us why high stock price is so important to a company?
This is part of economic warfare. The Chinese are driving out speculative hot money from US QE while opening up the Chinese market slightly. The Chinese stock market is intentionally suppressed so that it is not attractive to all those fake money printed by the Fed.