Its because Japan is a developed country and also due to their soft power. So when these poor people watched in the past (and now) how developed Japan was they naturally admired themHow is it Japan is so popular despite invading Southeast Asia? Maybe it shows that colonizing a territory makes the people there look up to you as masters and therefore they start to admire and emulate you.
I dont see anything bad with this to be honest. The same applies to the US. Even when they have invaded so many countries, caused so many chaos, deaths etc people still love the US due to how advanced the US is (and also from the "free" media)
Naturally the same will happen for China in 1-2 decades, when people will also start admiring it due to how advanced it would become by then
IMO the biggest obstacles would be Western media demonisation (CIA influence operations) and that China doesn't allow "independent" media, so people wont trust the state-owned media
In the end though, as long as China grows, becomes wealthier, get more technological advanced, achieves major scientific/tech/engineering goals, countries and people will start looking up to China the same way they are now doing with the US