Yes, but at the core, in order for money to improve your life, it has to make you happy. Some people are happy surrounded by luxury items that are more expensive than they should be; it makes them feel like massive consumption confirms the importance of their existence. Personally, I think that is a sign of insecurity but it is their way to chase happiness. For others, seeing their investments grow brings happiness. Myself, I don't like to spend on expensive things, especially ones meant to be used up. For some people, using expensive goods feels luxurious and brings happiness but to me, it feels like waste. I like to save and invest my money and watch it grow because the knowledge that I am building a solid financial foundation to raise my children with brings me a feeling of accomplishment, which translates to happiness/enjoyment. Happiness is a state of mind, not a state of physical enjoyment; physical enjoyment may bring happiness, but it is a (flawed) tool, not the goal.