The conversation that that replies to directly says that billionaires are not necessary, so when I rebut, I rebut to them being removed and thus their contributions butchered.
Your reasoning is dismal. There is a huge difference between saying that something isn't necessary and saying that it should be eliminated entirely. Equating the two demonstrates very poor thinking. For example, when I say that fruit juice isn't necessary to anyone who eats a balanced diet, I am certainly not calling for the juices to be eliminated!
When I say that billionaires are not necessary, I mean exactly that. I don't want them eliminated entirely; I just want to keep them on a leash, so they can't corrupt the country.
Open, eh? How open? Every time you regurgitate that half-assed thoughtless answer, you will face this again:
"How open? More open than someone with a regular amount of wealth? How is it enforced? Are you suggesting that once someone reaches above a certain level of wealth that s/he be stripped of his/her human right to privacy? That's ok with you? That's not persecuting success?"
More time-wasting yapping. I don't need to outline the openness campaign to the last detail, just as I don't need to know the physics in detail to realize that China needs a local source of EUV tools.
This was already debunked. Small business innovations are not the same type as those of megacorps. No small business will ever invent lithography or jet engines or rocket launches. These require the deep pockets of a megacorp to tackle.
I will debunk your sad attempt at debunking. You say "No small business will ever invent lithography or jet engines or rocket launches. These require the deep pockets of a megacorp to tackle."
I say "nonsense"! I will debunk each in turn.
Lithography. Fairchild Semiconductor was a tiny company (with something like 8 engineers) when Robert Noyce invented the monolithic integrated circuit.
Jet engines. The Englishman John Barber patented his gas turbine in 1791. He almost certainly wasn't working for a "megacorp", as very few such organizations existed back then.
Rockets. If you don't know they were invented in China (and definitely not inside a large corporation), you are showing your ignorance.
So all three of your claims are garbage. My statement stands: billionaires are not necessary.
What the CCP did to Alibaba shows that the CCP controls the game in China no matter how big the company is and I support it.
The CPC is more powerful than the billionaires. At the moment. What happens when the billionaires (and possibly some trillionaires) become too strong? It is of the utmost importance that they be curbed before they damage China as much as their American counterparts are damaging the US.