Lieutenant General
The US is on the losing side no matter what. Why? Because the US has to be in control of literally everything. They have to be number one in literally everything. Anything less is complete failure in their minds. Anybody who challenges their position is seen as a mortal threat and enemy. It's a utopian idea meaning it's impossible to ever achieve given human nature. It's ironic that the US says it stands for independence and sovereignty when those are things that work against their goals. That's because when your jailer tells you the 10 X 10 cell you're confined in is freedom, that's what it is. It's the same when they say when Pelosi and Trump can agree, it must be right and nothing wrong. They want the world to think right-wing Republicans and left-wing Democrats covers the universe of all thought. That's why they think they get to decide for the world because only they know what's best for everyone when you're just living in a 10 X 10 cell. When you're not exposed to anything outside that 10 X 10 cell, that is the only universe you know hence why they want everyone to embrace their values. When they tell you and you listen how the universe works, they're in control so that they will always make sure they're number one.
Back in the 80s, newspaper columnist, Pat Buchanan, was consider to be the most extreme right-wing pundit out there at the time. He's said he hated the Chinese because they aren't Christian. He also was known for hating African-Americans and Latino-Americans, two groups that have been assimilated the most by Western culture embracing Christianity and their values. They also claim to be the most disenfranchised groups in the world. So what's the point of embracing American culture and values when they will contradict and find a reason to hate and undermine you anyway?
Back in the 80s, newspaper columnist, Pat Buchanan, was consider to be the most extreme right-wing pundit out there at the time. He's said he hated the Chinese because they aren't Christian. He also was known for hating African-Americans and Latino-Americans, two groups that have been assimilated the most by Western culture embracing Christianity and their values. They also claim to be the most disenfranchised groups in the world. So what's the point of embracing American culture and values when they will contradict and find a reason to hate and undermine you anyway?