Chinese Daily Photos of 2023!!

bd popeye

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Jury members of Tiantan Awards Zhang Yimou (3rd L), Stanley Kwan (2nd R),
Nadav Lapid (1st L), Pimpaka Towira (1st R), Zhang Songwen (3rd R) and Zhou Dongyu pose for a group photo on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Cast members of the film "The Wandering Earth II" Wang Zhi (L) and Wu Jing are seen on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Actress Gulnazar poses for photos on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Peking Opera performer Chi Xiaoqiu (C) is seen on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Cast members of the film "Godspeed" walk on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

bd popeye

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Actress Jin Chen poses for photos on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Jury members of Tiantan Awards Zhang Yimou (3rd L), Stanley Kwan (2nd R), Nadav Lapid (1st R), Pimpaka Towira (2nd L), Zhang Songwen (1st L) and Zhou Dongyu walk on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Actor Wu Gang poses for a photo on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Actress Gao Ye is seen on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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Director Peter Chan is seen on the red carpet of the 13th Beijing International Film Festival in Beijing, capital of China, April 21, 2023. (Xinhua/Chen Zhonghao)

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A staff member shows traditional tea art during a tea culture event held in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 21, 2023. May 21 marks the International Tea Day. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

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A staff member shows the making skills of Fuzhou jasmine tea during a tea culture event held in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 21, 2023. May 21 marks the International Tea Day. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

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Staff display oil tea custom of Yao people during a tea culture event held in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 21, 2023. May 21 marks the International Tea Day. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

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Staff show the making skills of Wuyi rock tea (Dahongpao) during a tea culture event held in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, May 21, 2023. May 21 marks the International Tea Day. (Xinhua/Jiang Kehong)

bd popeye

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China's next manned space mission, the Shenzhou XVI, is scheduled to be launched in the coming days to transport three astronauts to the Tiangong space station, according to plans made by the China Manned Space Agency.

The Shenzhou XVI spacecraft and its carrier, a Long March 2F rocket, were moved to the service tower on Monday at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert, the agency said in a brief news release, adding that the spacecraft and the rocket will undergo final checks in the next several days.

The Shenzhou XVI will become the first crewed mission to visit Tiangong this year and the first to arrive since its construction was completed by the Shenzhou XIV and XV crews.

A photo taken on May 22, 2023 shows China's Shenzhou XVI manned spacecraft and a Long March 2F Y16 rocket being transferred to the launch area at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert. [Photos by Wang Jiangbo/For]

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bd popeye

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A Long March-2C carrier rocket carrying Macao's first space exploration satellite, Macao Science 1, blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, May 21, 2023. (Photos: China News Service/Wang Jiangbo)

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Macao Science 1 is the first space science satellite program jointly developed by the Chinese mainland and Macao. The project is also the first scientific exploration satellite placed in a near-equatorial orbit to monitor the geomagnetic field and the space environment.

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It was the 474th flight mission of the Long March carrier rocket series.

bd popeye

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Meng Yuning (front) and his colleague transport water for white-headed langurs at the Bapen Nature Reserve in Fusui County, southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, May 18, 2023.

Meng Yuning, a young man who was born in the 1980s, has guarded white-headed langurs for 19 years at the Bapen Nature Reserve since 2004.

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White-headed langur, characterized by the white hair on their heads, is one of the world's most endangered primate species and is under first-class national protection of China.

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To protect the langurs, Meng and his colleagues patrol the nature reserve everyday. They also undertake other works such as protecting other local species and collecting plant material for research.

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In recent years, the population of white-headed langur in the Bapen Nature Reserve gradually increased. The nature reserve has become the most concentrated area for the langurs to reproduce. (All photos Xinhua/Zhou Hua)

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Meng Yuning (L) and his colleague add water for white-headed langurs at the Bapen Nature Reserve in Fusui County, southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, May 18, 2023.

bd popeye

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Dong Lina practices at a broadcasting studio of the Communication University of China in Beijing, capital of China, on May 18, 2023. (Photo by Wang Jiahui/Xinhua)

BEIJING, May 21 (Xinhua) -- Once a masseuse, a career path many suffering visual impairment would take in China, Dong Lina, 39, braved all the challenges and carved out a new possibility for her life.

Born into a farmer's family in Dalian, northeast China's Liaoning Province, Dong was diagnosed with congenital amblyopia and went blind at the age of 10.

Like many visually-impaired children, she finished compulsory education at a school for disabled people and began learning Tuina, a type of therapeutic massage. In 2003, she obtained a job at a massage parlor.

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Dong Lina is pictured on the campus of the Communication University of China in Beijing, capital of China, on May 18, 2023. (Photo by Wang Jiahui/Xinhua)

One day she found that a public welfare organization in Beijing had an anchor training program for visually impaired youth. Dong, who has been lauded for having a good voice since childhood, realized that this might be her big moment, and she plucked up the courage and made a life-changing phone call.

"The recruitment had already ended at that time, but the head of the organization was moved by my sincerity and was willing to offer me a chance," said Dong with great gratitude.

After the training at the organization, Dong was recommended to a workshop at a radio station where she was the only visually-impaired person in the class. Her physical handicap forced her to make an extra effort in her spare time. Before each class, she needed to transcribe all the handouts into Braille.

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Ling Runzhi paints at her residence in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou Province, on May 19, 2023.

Despite the loss of sensation in her lower body, resulting from congenital spina bifida, Ling Runzhi refuses to let her physical limitations hinder her creativity.

Ling's remarkable artworks not only fulfilled her own dreams but also offered a window to a broader world for others like her. Through her art, she unlocks the possibility of experiencing the beauty and wonders of the world beyond their confined realities.(Xinhua/Zhou Xuanni)

GUIYANG, May 21 (Xinhua) -- Ling Runzhi, 41, confined to a wheelchair ever since she was six years old, is listening to an online class on modern Chinese landscape painting with rapt attention as usual.

With a few deft strokes of her paintbrush, Ling skillfully brings to life a black-and-white masterpiece, adorned with delicate textures and captivating contrasts. Despite the loss of sensation in her lower body, resulting from congenital spina bifida, this talented artist refuses to let her physical limitations hinder her creativity.

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Ling's remarkable artworks not only fulfilled her own dreams but also offered a window to a broader world for others like her. Through her art, she unlocks the possibility of experiencing the beauty and wonders of the world beyond their confined realities.

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Ling Runzhi displays her honorable credentials at her residence in Guiyang, southwest China's Guizhou Province, on May 19, 2023.
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bd popeye

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Tourists sing and dance at the Mount Qomolangma base camp for tourists in Zhaxizom Township of Tingri County in Xigaze City, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, May 16, 2023.

The Mount Qomolangma base camp for tourists is dotted with tent hotels that accommodate travelers from afar. The tents are made from black yak fur, a unique scene at the mountain foot.

Dainzin, a 27-year-old local has been running a tent hotel at the base camp for nearly a decade. He is a witness to the booming tourism growth here.

Access to running water, electricity, emergency vehicles and oxygen facilities has been realized. Convenience store, sweet tea house and post office are also available.

Farmers and herdsmen in the township manage the tent hotels at the base camp, which are set up in March and open until October every year. (Xinhua/Jigme Dorje)

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Dainzin makes the bed in a tent hotel at the Mount Qomolangma base camp for tourists in Zhaxizom Township of Tingri County in Xigaze City, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, May 13, 2023.(Xinhua/Sun Fei)

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Photos taken on May 13, 2023 shows the interior of a tent hotel at the Mount Qomolangma base camp for tourists in Zhaxizom Township of Tingri County in Xigaze City, southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region. (Xinhua/Jigme Dorje)