Yes today I was at a restaurant and there were some eighteen year olds.Chinese isn't 'cool'. Sinkie kids are surrounded by western media, propaganda, culture, and values 24/7. They pride themselves on speaking singlish and being illiterate in their mother tongue. There is no simple solution to this problem, which is a generation in the making.
I get that LKY wanted to make english the official language to attract FDI but in doing so he ensured future generations of sinkies would become cucks to the anglo race.
They said something about getting a pet dog, then someone asked what kind of dog they want, and someone said "how about China! Fuck!".
Rolls eyes.
It was quite a diverse group, and it was the Chinese dude who said that actually. Wow.
You don't even see this kind of cuckery in the Western world. That Chinese Singaporean dude probably has balls the size of a push pin and licks people's boots to make money.
I think being in Mississippi is better than being in Singapore.