How easy is it to open an ATM machine?
It's been a long time since I saw viewed a black and white portrait photograph. It is more abstract, like calligraphy.
Amber Kuo covers Harper's Bazaar | 10.23.2014 | Editor: xuxin
房主儿子介绍,这两栋楼在1980年左右建设,分属于其父亲与父亲的一个同事。他出具了其中一栋楼的房地产证,显示其中一栋楼用地面积为100 .86平方米,使用年限从1982年开始,时间为50年。这两栋连体三层小楼,各自的总建筑面积有300多平方米。摄影:刘有志/CFP
Really? You need to catch up!
...and since I'm posting pictures.. where's our translator??
Thanks shen! I try that google translate but sometimes it just does not make sense.
Check this thread a few times a week for captions that need a translation.
Thank again!
no problem. if you install the google translate app on your phone, you can just take a picture of a Chinese language sign, say at Asian supermarket, and it'll translate it. i think it is very cool. works best with short phrases or words.