Translation please!
Photo 1
据香港《东方日报》网站12日报道,数名“香港人优先”成员当天下午到中环驻港部队军营示威。其中一名女成 员在军营前展示并挥动港英旗帜,路经此处的一名操普通话的黄衣男子看到后喝骂,称不可以把旗帜 放进军营。
According to the website of Oriental Daily, Hongkongese Priority (a splinter group in Hong Kong -by translator) conducted a demonstration at the PLA headquarters in Central. One of the female members unfold and wave colonial Hong Kong flag, a Mandarin speaking man in yellow passing by shouted, saying that it is not allowed in the barrack.
Photo 2
挥旗女子大叫非礼,“香港人优先”另一成员张汉贤接过旗帜,与黄衣男子理论,另外两名分别穿格子衣服和橙色 衣服的操普通话男子加入骂战。
The flag bearer called out 'harassment', another member ZHANG Hanxian (Mandarin pinyin) took the flag and argued with the man in yellow, other two Mandarin speaking men in checker and orange joined the argue.
Photo 3
橙衣男子企图抢夺旗帜,被张汉贤飞脚击退,两人发生纠缠,格子衣男子趁机夺旗奔跑,“香港人优先”另一成员 上前追截,格子衣男子还以飞腿。
The man in orange attempted to grab the flag, and was kicked back by ZHANG, the two subsequently got entangled. The man in checker took the flag and ran, pursuit by another member of Hongkongese Priority. The man in checker kicked him.
Photo 4
2014年10月15日,太原集中销毁赌博游戏机。但是,仪式刚刚结束就有围观群众冲上去捡拾游戏币。今年 以来,太原公安机关展开多次专项行动。截止目前,打掉游戏机赌博窝点45个,收缴游戏赌博机1300余台。 供图:路人甲/CFP
15 Oct. 2014, Taiyuan publicly destroy numerous gambling machines. The onlookers rushed in to take the tokens right after the process was finished. From the beginning of this year, the police force of Taiyuan organised multiple operations against gambling. 45 gambling dens were raided and over 1300 gambling machines were captured.