Chinese Cruise Missles


VIP Professional
Chairman Hu said:
China spends 67 billion last year in military spending, China needs to spend more, maybe 100 billion at least
1 more thing, CRUISE MISSILES!!! how is China doing in GPS guided missiles?

IMO it's not the amount being spent, but rather where it's being spent that matters. The PRC today is wealthy enough to afford $60 billion or $100 billion military budget, but the political-security situation has changed.

Today the PRC is in a very good security situation. It faces no wars other than those of its own making. Most of the land border disputes have been resolved, and the Nansha island situation is pretty calm after the ASEAN agreement. The Taiwan dispute does not require a war to resolve, economic integration and demographics trend will take care of that over time.

The PLA today does not need a huge infantry force backed by thousands of old tanks. Recent reforms have put it on the right track - reduction in numbers and shifting the emphasis to rapid deployement capability. IMO one of the most important moves, often over-looked, is the PAP.

By shifting demobolized PLA to PAP and making PAP responsible for internal/border security, it frees the PLA for its intended purpose - training for war. Also, since the PAP is technically "armed police", there's less opposition in sending them to oversea "peace keeping" operations.

The PLA has not had any real combat experience since the Vietnam war. And due to the events of 6/89 I think it may be politically unvaiable to sending the PLA overseas with tanks. But the PAP with armored vehicles painted white with the big "UN" letters on the side is another story.

I think the PRC should allocate more $ to the PAP and have them paticipate in more "peace keeping" operations around the globe. This will enable the PAP to gain valuable experience in being deployed to potentially hostile areas and learn/pratice urban combat patrol techniques.


As for the GPS-Cruise Missiles question, China has its own GPS satellites and is joining the European Galileo project. This would disrupt the US dominance on GPS technology, which the US finds unacceptable and some media has suggested that if the European GPS satellites are used by China in war agains the US, the US would attack the European satellite system:

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Although the Europeans have said that they wouldn't turn off or jam Galileo GPs system if used against the US in war, you cannot trust them to this. If the PRC does get into a shooting war agains the US in 10 years and the US threatened destruction of the satellites unless if EU turn them off so China cannot use them to guide cruise missiles, I think the EU will bend to US demands.

Ultimately China will still need its own GPS technology to protect its own interest.
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Banned Idiot
Gollevainen said:
??? don't post bullshit...

And what does indian martime patrolaircrafts to do whit chinese cruise missiles? stay on the topic!

its not bull shit, but the indians have the backfire, not blackjack.

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the pla spending nearly 70 billion is good enough. the military is already rising fast.

as for gps, gallileo is very advanced and the best solution. the u.s may not like it, but china is taking part in funding and reaserch of gallileo, so they will own part of the system. the U.s cannot just shoot down a sattelite very easily. plus it would make europeans outraged that the U.s would do such a thing for its own interests. as a back up to gallileo, china can use the russian glonass or its indegedous beidoui, which is coming along nicely, and will be better in the future. remeber, in ten years, china may have a considerable amount of lleverag on the E.u to make tham think twice about who to help


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Every importantly, the PLA army command structure is still not slim and transparent enough. Thus, there would be alot of reduncy in staff power and inefficency in manpower development and deployment. On the whole, the PLA top commanders are still "old fashion" compare to their other counterparts in States or UK.

When the structure is big, a lot of precious dollars had to spend on the salaries of high ranking staffs. In addition, the PLA chain of command is too long. Hence, the decision making process is often too slow to respond to the battlefield development and technology development.


New Member
Incorrect, the top commanders are given full control of the PLA. By this I mean little to no bureaucracy. If anything unexpected happens the high command can just seize power and order the troops directly.


Banned Idiot
the pla works much like the government. fast, central, no beaurovracy. if the u.s takes a week to respond to katrina, how long will it take to respond to the pla?

Chairman Hu

Banned Idiot
Thats not fair... that we compare it like that...

No beaurcracy... yea right... every country has them...

but anyways...



Banned Idiot
gallieo will allw chinese missles to hit targets within a meter. the signal is cinstant, and will not be jammed by u.s. its comes onlne in 08, so now, we can use beidou, accurate to 12m, glonass, accurate to less than 20m, or a civil gps(never in war), accurate to about 10m.


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I guess chinese planes have to use gps for now, but galileo is definitely a more advanced technology than gps. This is according to my friend who is doing his PHD in EE.