Chinese ATGM discussion


TS-01 missile looks near identical in configuration to javelin.

I'm gonna go on a limb and say TS-01 and HJ-12 were both candidates for the PLA's fire/forget, man portable ATGM but HJ-12 won? Now both are up for export?

The coincidence of having two sudden fire/forget ATGMs pop up is too much.

I want to say the same for YJ-12/CX-1 and FM-3000 and sky dragon 50/DK-10

Indeed... The Chinese have been very busy.


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In any case, the CLU for HJ-12 looks much more solid and integrated than TS-01.

Assuming there was a competition of some sort, I'm glad PLA went with HJ-12.


Junior Member
Hopefully, future Chinese IFV's will finally loose their HJ-73 (which turned 50 years old this year btw!) and replace them with HJ-12 or these TS-01.


Senior Member
Kurdish fighter in Iraq aiming HJ-8.

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Junior Member
I hope the Kurdish fighter are firing the HJ-8 at an armoured vehicle, or else it would be a really expensive shot. :p