Several points you made bear further discussions.
The entire Central Asia region, and I'd include Western China in that geography for discussion purposes, benefit from land-based economic integration, even if it's more expensive than sea routes. What's the alternative? Little or no development, but high cost savings by not using land/air transportation? Hardly the better choice, wouldn't you say?
By the way, US hegenomy is hardly "soft," as history show it is one of the most ruthless and successful great power in human history.
No disagreement on long distance land transport being more expensive vis-a-vis waterway transports, but inland areas don't have direct access to coastal harbors, and yet their need for development isn't any less than coastal regions. So, the calculus isn't land transportation being more expensive than water, but land transportation grants a realistic and thus far the only way forward for economic development.I don't agree with that Mackinder statement.
Long distance land transport is just so much more difficult and costly compared to seaborne transport.
That stunts the growth of inland cities, which are far from a seaport.
And long distances over land make power projection difficult because of the vast amount of strategic depth afforded.
Also note that the British Empire did end up with direct colonial rule over large swathes of population and territory, backed by the Royal Navy. Although it did have a huge informal trading empire as well.
The American Empire only had a few colonies, with a much larger informal trading empire, backed by the US Navy.
So what should China do?
The entire Central Asia region, and I'd include Western China in that geography for discussion purposes, benefit from land-based economic integration, even if it's more expensive than sea routes. What's the alternative? Little or no development, but high cost savings by not using land/air transportation? Hardly the better choice, wouldn't you say?
How is China being the largest trading nation in the world any different than a decade earlier when it wasn't the largest, and yet every bit as dependent on the Brenton Woods international trade order? China supported the liberal international order after Deng opened up the nation to the world, and that's still the same globally, except for North, East, and South East Asia.China is already the world's largest trading nation and net international investor last year. So it now has a vital stake in a liberal environment for its trade and for its multi-nationals to invest globally.
Yet China's economy still has decades of catchup growth potential ahead of it, so its trade and investment profile is set to grow much larger.
The victimization narrative is a recent event, and atypical of China's history for thousands of years. China is still working out its post-reemergence place in the world, and the victimization angle will eventually fade as it reestablish its traditional self atop of Asia. No one knows for sure what form that will take, but it's likely along some kind of soft hegenomy; a 21st Century version of the imperial "tributary system" perhaps?Also, China's historical narrative is as a victim of nasty colonial powers like the UK, Japan etc
So China should probably aim for a soft hegemony model as currently practiced by the USA, backed by the Chinese Navy.
By the way, US hegenomy is hardly "soft," as history show it is one of the most ruthless and successful great power in human history.
China's wealth comes from domestic and international dealings, and it's only natural for its leaders to use its still-growing comprehensive national power to foster greater development and protect its interests all over the world. In this regard, China is no different from other great powers.We can see this with AIIB, OBOR, RCEP, FTAAP etc in the economic realm.
And in the military realm, such a global economic profile will eventually require a global navy. So we can see the medium-term Navy plan is to increase personnel by 15% to 270K, and the Marine Corps by almost 500% to 100K personnel.