Nah, neural interfacejudging from the picture, C-919 use side stick controller?
some news from SAC. Looks like they might be getting Y-9 ready for test flight soon. They put the project on hold for a while there, but it got restarted recently.据阳光报消息,中航工业陕飞公司面对重点型号研制、新型机试制、新机交付任务极其繁重等严峻形势,全面打响四季度科研、生产攻坚仗——以“决战100天,向年终目标冲刺”为主题的报捷竞赛活动全面展开,科研、生产线上处处呈现出如火如荼的大干场景。(阳光报 建萍 王毅 摄影报道)
Nice, looks very modern. The general set up looks an awfully lot like the 787 cockpit:
^ Blitzo posted a photo of an 787 simulator for comparison but the photo posted by A.Men is not the same! The guy is also pretty obviously Chinese. It looks like the C919 cockpit is similar to but obviously not identical to 787 cockpit.
I personally think they've done a good job, with everything looking quite flush but kind of rugged/durable at the same time.A.Man pic was originally showing through.
The plastic work (or whatever you call it) is still not as good as western cockpits but I don't think they really worry much about appearance as long as the job gets done first.
Venezuela plans to buy up to 12 Y-8 transport aircraft from China, a senior military official said on Friday, adding to a list of recent defense purchases from the Asian country.
Major Gen. Jorge Oropeza said the government was negotiating the purchase of between 10 and 12 of the medium range transport planes, which have a 7.5 hour flight range.
"These Y-8 will add to our operations with Hercules C-130s," he said. "Their reach extends through South America and to Spain."
He did not reveal the projected cost of the deal.
China this year delivered 18 K-8 training jets to the South American country and has also sold it a network of radars.