China's transport, tanker & heavy lift aircraft - esp. Y-20/YY-20


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Re: light transport aircrafts

another article on China's possible huge transport
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战术运输机主要在前线战区从事近距离军事调动、后勤补给、空降伞兵、空投军用物资和运送伤员。这类运输机的特点是载重量较小(20吨左右),起飞重量60到 80吨,可运送100多名士兵,航程3000到4000千米,适于在前线中小型机场起降,有较好的短距起降能力。美国的C-130“大力神”、乌克兰的安 -12以及我国的运-8等均属这类飞机。






除美、俄传统军事强国外,其他国家也都十分重视军事空运能力的发展,纷纷着手建立本国的空运部队。英国从美国引进了C-130和C-17大型运输机;印度购买了伊尔-76运输机;日本引进了C-130运输机。在2004年出兵伊拉克行动中,日本还租借俄罗斯空军的安-124大型运输机向伊运送兵员和装备。 2004年6月,除美、英两国之外的15个北约成员国签订了“战略空运过渡方案”谅解备忘录,授权各签字国使用乌克兰的安-124-100战略运输机支援盟国或欧盟部队。那么我国的情况怎样呢?

由于运输机不直接参加作战,过去我国对运输机的重视程度一直低于战斗机、攻击机和轰炸机等作战机种,不但对运输机研制的投入远远不足,而且运输机的装备数量也非常有限。解放军在90年代以前使用的运输机包括国产的运-7、运-8和从前苏联引进的少量安-24等。运-7源自前苏联的安-24,载重约5.5吨;运-8源自安-12,载重约20吨。用现在的技术水平来衡量,这两种机型的载重量、航程都不能满足快速空投和部队机动的需要。因此,我国从90年代起从俄罗斯引进了伊尔-76中型运输机。目前,解放军空运部队主要由伊尔-76中型运输机、国产运- 8和运-12中小型运输机构成,尽管空运能力较以往有了明显增强,但尚无与其它大国空军媲美的战略空运部队,存在现役运输机数量不足、运载量较小、作战航程有限等不足。

伊尔-76中型运输机由前苏联伊留申设计局(已改制为莫斯科的伊留申航空股份公司联合体和乌兹别克斯坦塔什干市的塔什干飞机生产企业)设计,北约代号“耿直”。伊尔-76机长46.59米,机高14.76米,翼展 50.5米,机翼面积 300平方米,空重70吨,最大起飞重量170吨,最大燃油重量 70吨,最大平飞速度 850千米/小时,巡航速度 760~780千米/小时(9000米~12000米高度),巡航高度 9000~12000米,升限 20695米,起飞滑跑距离 1600米,着陆滑跑距离 780~1000米,最大载重航程 5000千米。动力装置为4台索洛维耶夫设计局生产的配备有反推力装置的D-301M型涡扇发动机,分别吊装在机体两侧内翼之下,单台推力117.6千牛。

伊尔-76飞机共有7名机组人员,其中驾驶舱内正、副驾驶员并排坐在前面,领航员在机头下面的玻璃机头罩内,两名货物装卸员坐在驾驶舱后部。货舱尺寸(长×宽×高)为20米×3.46米×3.4 米,可运载150名全副武装的士兵或120名伞兵,也可装运各种军用车辆或设备。货舱后部有蚌壳式舱门和货桥,带有装卸导轨,导轨宽度可调。机舱内设有2 台电动起重机和2台绞车以方便装卸,每台起重机可起重5000千克,每台绞车的牵引拉力为3000千克。为适应粗糙的前线机场跑道,伊尔-76采用了低压起落架系统以及能在起降阶段低速飞行时提供更大升力的前后襟翼。该型机可作为作战支援运输飞机,用于运送步兵和轻装甲部队,能在简单的前线机场起降;也可执行伞降任务,可空投货物或经妥善包装的军用车辆;还具有改装成飞行医院的能力。

国产运-8是陕西飞机制造公司在前苏联安-12基础上开发的四发涡轮螺旋桨中程多用途运输机。1969年开始设计,1974年12月25日01号机首次试飞成功,1980年1月国家批准设计定型后转入小批量生产,至今已发展出多个型号。该型机翼展38米,机翼面积121.86平方米,机长34.02米,机高11.6米,展弦比11.85,空重35.5吨,最大起飞重量61吨,最大载油量23吨,最大有效载重量20吨,最大平飞速度662千米/小时,升限10400米,航程5620千米,货舱尺寸(长×宽×高)为13.5米×3.5米×2.6米。动力系统为4台WJ6型涡轮螺旋桨发动机,配用J17-G13自动顺桨自动变距螺旋桨,单台最大功率3120千瓦。机组人员6名,分别是正副驾驶员、领航员、通信员、空中机械师和尾炮射击员。机身整个前段为密封舱,中段为货舱。驾驶舱后的气密段座舱可乘坐14名随机人员。货舱为非气密舱,有加温和低空通风设备,可运送96名全副武装的士兵或82名伞兵,或60副担架重伤员和23名轻伤员加3名医护人员;货运时可装载2 辆卡车或20吨货物。货舱内装有多种装卸工具,包括2台电动绞车,单台拉力15吨,可将大型货物拖入货舱;中小型货物可用机上2.3吨的梁式吊车随意搬动,解放牌卡车可由随机货桥直驶货舱。运-8运输机具有空投、空降、空运、救生及海上作业等多种用途,可空投1、2、4及6米规格的空投平台,空投单件最大重量7.4吨。

国产运-12是哈尔滨飞机制造公司(原哈尔滨飞机厂)在运-11基础上进行改进发展而来的轻型双发多用途运输机,1980年初开始设计,1985年取得了中国民航局颁发的第一个民用飞机型号合格证,翌年又取得该局颁发的第一个生产许可证。该型机采用双发、上单翼、单垂尾、固定式前三点起落架的总体布局,翼展17.24米,机翼面积34.27平方米,机长14.86米,机高5.58米,展弦比8.67,空重3吨,起飞重量 5吨,最大载油量1.23吨,最大载重1.7吨,客货舱容积 12.9立方米,最大平飞速度328千米/小时,巡航速度292千米/小时,实用升限7000米,航程1340千米。与伊尔-76和运-8比较,运-12 的空运能力相当有限。


在战争中向较远地区运送物资,空运是最好的方式;向某些特殊地方运送物资,空运是唯一的方式;向任何地点运送物资,空运都是最快的方式。军用运输机可执行运送兵员、作战装备及其他军用物资、撤离伤病员和进行空降空投等任务。现代军用运输机的巡航速度一般可达800~900千米/小时,是陆上运输速度的15 倍,海上运输速度的25倍,是这三种运输手段中最快捷的。而且现代大型运输机的航程已达数千甚至上万千米,可覆盖辽阔的疆土,经空中加油后还可实施全球性运输,所以军用运输机尤其是大型军用运输机的装备数量、技术水平和运载效能已成为衡量一个国家国防实力的重要标志。

我国在研制运-8、运 -12等中小型运输机的同时,从俄罗斯引进了伊尔-76中型运输机,并且也开始与乌克兰安东诺夫航空科技联合体磋商,拟购买或联合开发大型运输机。在 2003年9月第10届北京国际航空展上,中国航空工业第二集团公司与乌克兰安东诺夫航空科技联合体联合召开了新闻发布会,披露了双方正在就运- 8F600、运-8X、安-70等型号的运输机项目合作进行深入的探讨,并且就双方合作研制安-124-300型运输机进行了讨论。近期,外电又传我国欲从乌克兰引进安-124或安-225大型运输机。


安- 124绰号“鲁斯兰”,取自俄罗斯民间故事中一个英雄的名字,是前苏联安东诺夫设计局(现乌克兰安东诺夫航空科学技术联合体)研制的四发远程重型运输机,起飞总重超过美国C-5A重型运输机。1982年12月26日第1架原型机首飞,1986年第5架原型机参加了英国范堡罗航展,1986年1月首次交付使用,1987年投入批生产。

该型机翼展73.3米,机长69.1米,机高21.08米,机翼面积 628平方米,空重175吨,最大燃油重量230吨,最大起飞重量405吨,最大巡航速度865千米/小时,正常巡航速度800~850千米/小时(高度 10000~12000米),进场速度230~260千米/小时,起飞滑跑距离2520米,着陆滑跑距离(最大着陆重量时)900米,最大燃油航程 16500千米。

安-124运输机的动力系统为4台扎波罗什 “进步”机器制造设计局研制的D-18T型具有反推力装置的涡扇发动机。其货舱分为上下两层,其中上层舱室较狭小,6名机组人员和1名货物装卸员的座位均在此,还可载88名乘客;下层主货舱的尺寸(长×宽×高)为36米×6.4米×4.4米,容积1013.76立方米,载重可达150吨。这一运载能力是美国C-17运输机的2倍,C-5运输机的1.25倍,安-22运输机的1.875倍。货舱前后舱门采用液压装置开闭,可分别在7分钟和3分钟内打开。货舱顶部装有2台起重能力为10吨的吊车,地板上还另外有2部牵引力为3吨的绞盘车,用于货物装卸。

安-124运输机的运载能力已经很惊人,而安-225运输机则更胜一筹。安-225是目前世界上最大的运输机,在安-124基础上发展而来,绰号“梦幻”。1985年中期开始设计,1988年 12月21日原型机首次试飞,1989年5月13日进行背带“暴风雪”号航天飞机的飞行。该型机翼展88.4米,机长 84米,机高 18.2米,机翼面积 905平方米,总重达到600吨,巡航速度800~850千米/小时,起飞跑道长3500米,最大燃油时的航程为15400千米。货舱比安-124加长了 7米,尺寸(长×宽×高)为43米×6.4米×4.4米,内部容积为1210.88立方米。动力系统采用6台扎波罗什“进步”机器制造设计局的D-18T 型涡扇发动机,单台推力为229.5千牛,机组包括6名空勤人员,分别是正副驾驶员、2名飞行工程师、1名领航员和1名通讯员。安-225不仅保持体积最大运输机的世界记录,运载能力也是世界上最大的,总运载量可达250吨。



军用运输机的主要任务是空运军事人员、散装货物(包括食品、医药和弹药等)、大型车辆(包括卡车、吉普车、装甲车、防空车和小型直升机等)、特大型车辆(包括坦克、大炮、工程和建筑设备、大型卡车和面包车、大型货运直升机)等。但不能忽视的一点是,大型军用运输机还是预警指挥机、加油机、电子战飞机等特种作战飞机的空中载机平台。如俄罗斯以伊尔-76运输机为平台发展了A-50预警机和伊尔-78空中加油机。美国以波音-707民航客机为平台开发了KC- 135空中加油机、E-3预警机、E-6战略对潜指挥机、E-8雷达监视机以及EC-18高级靶场测量飞机等。




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China Seeks Heavylift Aircraft

Jane’s Defence Weekly (JDW) reported on 16 September 2004 that China is approaching Ukraine for heavylift aircraft to boost its long-distance strategic power projection capabilities for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). JDW cites its sources in Beijing that China has launched preliminary talks with Ukraine on the potential acquisition and/or licensed production of Antonov heavylift transport aircraft.

It is understood that China may be interested in purchasing few Antonov An-124 (NATO codename: Condor) four-engine freighters, the world’s largest production aircraft with a maximum payload of 120 tonnes. Additionally, China may also consider the even larger six-engine An-225 Mriya (Dream) freighter, which is the largest aircraft ever built in the history of mankind, with a maximum payload of 250 tonnes.

With its unique transport capabilities and the high performance, the An-124 will provide China with the strategic airlift capabilities it does not possess currently. The PLAAF currently operates fourteen IL-76MD military transport aircraft, each of which can carry 140 troops or 125 paratroops. The An-124 can carry 448 troops or 268 paratroops, or 16 pallets of cargos for airdrops, each weighting up to 4.5 tonnes, outperforming any strategic transport aircraft in service with the Western air forces.

Another important reason that may have attracted China to pursue the An-124 is the potential opportunity of technology transfer or licensed production of the aircraft. The Chinese aviation industry has been long to build a large, modern transport aircraft for both civil and military purposes. Following the several failed attempts to build large commercial airliners jointly with McDonnell Douglas and Airbus in the 1990s, China may well turn to countries like Ukraine and Russia for helps.

It is possible that China may purchase few planes for initial evaluations before further deals are made. It is also possible that the aircraft will be acquired through commercial airlines to keep a low profile.


Lieutenant General
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Re: light transport aircrafts

This is probably one of the biggest news for China recently. I'm not sure where to put this but transport plane thread probably works the best. It's hard to say how much this will help the transport industry. The MD-90 project with McDonnell Douglas in 1992 really helped jump start the development on ARJ-21. ARJ-21 is a regional jet developed by AVIC-1 that plans to carry 70 to 100 passengers. Whereas, A320 by Airbus will carry any where from 107 to 185 passengers depending on the variant. If China gets to manufacture the larger version, then it does a few things:
1. raise the quality level of production in Chinese aviation companies
2. give Chinese aviation industry the ability to develop larger planes
3. give Chinese aviation the full blueprint and assembling instructions and such for a mature airliner.

I think all of the above would be critical for better indigenous civil airliners and transport planes. It would also allow for development of larger transport and better platforms for AWACS.

Anyhow, the article:
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SHANGHAI (AFP) - Promises of aerospace technology transfers that helped Airbus clinch its largest-ever order from China could be the first step towards the Asian nation becoming a jet production hub.

A key incentive of allowing China to produce Airbus jets for the first time was attached to the deal clinched on Monday for 150 mid-range A320 planes worth nearly 10 billion dollars at list prices.

The cooperation protocol agreed to a day earlier foresees the "possibility" of establishing an Airbus assembly plant in China that would turn out single-aisle planes such as the A320.

"It's a very clever move as it obviously brings China into the equation in terms of developing its own capacity," said Ian Thomas, an analyst at the Sydney-based Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation.

"China has a fledgling aircraft manufacturing operation of its own that is nowhere near in the same league as either Airbus or Boeing but no doubt would like to be.

"So from that point of view it brings a lot of value to China... and to actually set up a manufacturing facility in that country is a big bonus."

China has repeatedly stated its ambitions of building large passenger jets by 2020 although it is still struggling to develop a market for domestically built jets of 70 to 90 seats.

The secretary general of European aerospace and defence equipment body GEAD, Olivier Gorge, has already warned Europe's aviation industry needed to be careful not to give away all its trade secrets in its rush to win business in China.

"It is necessary to be sure, therefore, that French technology in terms of aerospace equipment does not go to China through production sub-contracting," Gorge told AFP in an interview last week.

"There have been examples in the past of some parts suppliers returning from China having seen piracy of their technology."

However, if Airbus does proceed with producing jets in China, Thomas said the European conglomerate may well gain an edge over Boeing, its arch rival from the United States.

"There is some political resistance in the US... there are political issues concerning protection of jobs within in the US," said Thomas.

"Boeing is hamstrung, it's a private company but because of its size and importance to the US economy it is essentially an arm of the US economy."

As part of the wide-ranging accord signed during a visit to France by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, Airbus also offered China a five percent stake in its A350 aircraft program.

The A350 is the European group's response to Boeing's new generation 787 "Dreamliner" passenger jets.

Airbus has yet to receive any orders from China for its A350 aircraft whereas Boeing signed a deal with Beijing in January to sell 60 of its "Dreamliners".

"That (A350 orders) will be the next big milestone achievement for Airbus in the Chinese market," said Derek Sadubin, another analyst with the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation.

In the battle for supremacy of the skies in China and around the globe US aerospace giant Boeing says it has booked 800 commercial plane orders in the first 11 months of 2005, giving it an apparent lead over European rival Airbus.

Airbus, which has been the market leader in recent years, says it has booked 494 orders as of October, compared with 674 for Boeing for the same period. Airbus is due to release new figures this week.

But the new course taken by Airbus to more closely integrate China into its operations may just be enough to allow it to overtake its US rival, especially in China.

Boeing, which has over 70 percent of China's market, predicts the industry will need 2,600 new planes, quadrupling the nation's present fleet, over the next 20 years.

Airbus, a government-run aerospace conglomerate that includes Germany and Spain, wants to grab 50 percent of the market share over the next eight years.


Lieutenant General
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Re: China's transport plane capacities

more commercial airplane news, the first time China has made a sale of it's passenger planes. A breakthrough for China's commercial industry:
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China exports batches of regional passenger aircraft

China has made a breakthrough in batch export of new high-tech electromechanical products, signing sales contracts with countries, including Zimbabwe, for 17 Xinzhou-60 aircraft, as learned from the delivery ceremony held on Friday at the Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co in Xi'an, according to People's Daily on Monday.

The Xi'an-based company is the designer, developer and tester of Xinzhou-60, the new generation regional passenger aircraft that has reached or been close to international standards in terms of safety, comfort and ease of maintenance. They feature low sales price and oil consumption.

The sales target of about 300 Xinzhou-60 aircraft is hopefully to be achieved around 2020 according to the market survey and analysis released by the China Aviation Technological Import and Export Corporation (CATIEC).

At the delivery ceremony on the same day, Zimbabwe's ambassador to China signed the test certificate for the third plane of the first batch on behalf of the country's national airlines. Prior to this, China delivered two homemade regional aircrafts to Air Zimbabwe, and they are operational in that nation. Air Zimbabwe gave high evaluation to the aircraft, believing that the planes are good in performance with low oil consumption and convenient maintenance.

more news on ARJ-21
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China to Trial Make First Independently-developed Regional Jet

(SinoCast China Business Daily News Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)BEIJING, January 03,. 2, SinoCast -- China has recently passed the examination of airworthiness to the aircraft structure and system drawings of its first regional passenger aircraft under its own property right, ARJ21, and then it will be brought to trial production, domestic media reported.

The development of ARJ21 is one of the significant tasks of most political and strategic meaning undertaken by China Aviation Industry Corporation I.

At the beginning of 2005, it had successfully completed the detailed structure and system design of ARJ21, which had been optimized from the end of last August, and in December, the aircraft's 100% structure drawing and 50% system drawing had been send for examination of airworthiness as scheduled.

And presently, since the examination has been passed, the aircraft's technical status has all been frozen and the related drawings are to be sent for trial production on the full scale.

The report said that the birth of ARJ21 will end the era of provision monopoly by Boeing and Airbus in China.


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Re: China's transport plane capacities

Well, it's a huge long article, but this is a real nice read regarding to China's plans of building cargo planes and civlian airliners and such. Our friend Richard Fisher also went through the surveillence platforms a little bit.

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Banned Idiot
Re: China's transport plane capacities

Theres a couple of errors...
1. it says the y-8f600 has not flown yet, but we alll know it has in the form of the balance beam AEW. on a side note, the crash could mean the design is not perfect

2. reference to the ZLC-2000 as a light tank:roll:


Lieutenant General
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Re: China's transport plane capacities

news on IL-76




looks like the Russians are having trouble delivering the IL-76. It also states that there is 800 million USD of weapon that China is about to purchase from the Russians that is put on hold due to IL-76.

they include
4 Zubr - 210 million USD
15 Be-200 - 400 million USD
40 ka-29 and 20 ka-31 - 200 million USD


Banned Idiot
Re: China's transport plane capacities

I hope this will help!-
The PLAAF has been reportedly considering to acquire the IL-78 aerial refuelling tanker for many years. Although China has developed its indigenous refuelling tanker on the basis of the H-6 (Tu-16 Barger) medium bomber, its performance is much inferior to that of the Russian IL-78. Additionally, the aerial refuelling probe on the PLAAF’s Su-30MKK fighter-bombers is said to be not compatible with the refuelling system of the H-6 tanker.
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The AN-70 could be reengined with jets instead (if the original ones couldn't be fixed), and China could use them too!
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The developmental aircraft is capable of carrying 35 tons of freight and has a flight range of 5,000 km. The market demand has been estimated at over 1,000 planes.
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VIP Professional
Re: China's transport plane capacities

CDF site/blog (not the forum section) says that the 38 il76/78 china ordered from russia were to be be made (assembled?) in china. But apparently that fell through and is the reason why that project is not really moving along yet. Is that true? It goes against what has been said all along till now, that it was to be a simple russian made delivered to china purchase, especially with recent articles citing slow russian manufacture which made chinese angry and threatening to cancel the deal. So what is the truth here, in the end? I must say that prospect of constructing that type of plane in china could very well help its heavy plane design/construction capabilities and could be a huge boon for the kj2000 awacs project.


Lieutenant General
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Re: China's transport plane capacities

CDF site/blog (not the forum section) says that the 38 il76/78 china ordered from russia were to be be made (assembled?) in china. But apparently that fell through and is the reason why that project is not really moving along yet. Is that true? It goes against what has been said all along till now, that it was to be a simple russian made delivered to china purchase, especially with recent articles citing slow russian manufacture which made chinese angry and threatening to cancel the deal. So what is the truth here, in the end? I must say that prospect of constructing that type of plane in china could very well help its heavy plane design/construction capabilities and could be a huge boon for the kj2000 awacs project.

I was under the impression that the contract always to be completed in Russia, because China simply did have enough to gain by license producing them. I'm sure there is a heavy transportation plane in development in AVIC, but no clue when it might be available. In a way, it's kind of hard for China to threaten, since it actually needs and doesn't have that many IL-76. Maybe it will go for An-124 or An-70? Who knows.


Lieutenant General
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Re: China's transport plane capacities

Hey, the Russians are making more promises, let's see if this deal gets fulfilled or not. China is definitely pissed.
ZHUHAI. Nov 1 (Interfax-AVN) - The contract to deliver Ilyushin Il-
76MD military-transport planes and Il-78 refueling aircraft to China
will be honored, whichever problems may arise at the Tashkent aircraft
corporation, Russia's Federal Military Technical Cooperation Service
"There are problems, but the contract will be definitely
fulfilled," Russian delegation leader and the Service's deputy head
Alexander Denisov said at the Air show China-2006 international aviation
and space show on Wednesday.
"Ways to settle the current problems are being negotiated with the
Tashkent aircraft corporation and different options are being
considered, but our Chinese partners must not worry," Denisov said.
An agreement to deliver 34 Il-76MD military-transport planes and
four Il-78 refueling planes to China was signed in September 2005. The
deal is valued at some $1.5 billion. According to unofficial reports,
Russia has yet to confirm the contract's entry into force since the
Tashkent aircraft corporation said it could not guarantee the planes
would be built.