China's transport, tanker & heavy lift aircraft - esp. Y-20/YY-20


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Y20 is proving to be a great platform

we have

Y20A standard cargo
Y20U tanker
Y20B with indigenous engine
what happened to the AWACS version ?
Nice expectations, but will take many years for them to come into fruition. It took us 7 - 8 years from the time J20 first flew until we see more than 10 of them flying together. Y20 tankers and Y20 with domestic engines in large numbers probably won't happen until early 2030s.
I want to see it but I'll have grey hair by then.:confused:


Is it for some sort of exchange event? Military exercise?

I have no idea. I wonder when the photos were taken. It might have been there to ferry troops and equipment for one of the joint-exercises that China had participated in.


Y-20 cockpit.



Registered Member
Nah they can still troll over the WS-15 and CJ-1000X. And if China doesn’t get to a 6th gen engine fast enough it will continue when the US comes out with one first.
lol, and the US will buy 1000, build 100 and they will be replaced with an older generation fighter with old engines...

Engine hidden from view inside airframes are hard to comments.... we can argue about the inlet and outlet, afterburner splendor but not a lot more if they are on military fighter jet.

At least they are more clearly visible on cargo and passenger airplanes ! These WS20 big fans look great and will be a big addition on know how for Chinese engineer. They are the cornerstone for things to come.


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Unlike fighter jets with "buried" internal engines, these cargo planes have under-wing engines. Do you guys think WS20 upgrades will be relatively plug and play or brand new chassis would be needed for the upgrades?