China's transport, tanker & heavy lift aircraft - esp. Y-20/YY-20


J-10Cs and J-10S in aerial refueling.




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WS-20 could powered Comac C919 soon;). No need to wait Cj1000a. Boeing will lose customer in China market

Calm down ... with the WS-20 the C919 will surely be able to fly but it takes times, money and even more with the WS-20 it won't reach its performance parameters since it is an older generation engine. As such, to be competitive, they need to wait for the CJ1000A


Registered Member
Calm down ... with the WS-20 the C919 will surely be able to fly but it takes times, money and even more with the WS-20 it won't reach its performance parameters since it is an older generation engine. As such, to be competitive, they need to wait for the CJ1000A
Could WS-20-powered C919 be possible for military application/exports?
Something similar to Wedgetail or Kawasaki P1

If I understand correctly, Jet vs. Turboprop is basically a speed vs. time-on-station trade-off (vs. Y-8/9).


Junior Member
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Could WS-20-powered C919 be possible for military application/exports?
Something similar to Wedgetail or Kawasaki P1

If I understand correctly, Jet vs. Turboprop is basically a speed vs. time-on-station trade-off (vs. Y-8/9).
Definitely a possibility. That said LEAP engines aren't the only foreign parts on the C919 that would hinder it from being weaponized. It'd take COMAC a couple of years to indigenize these components and work out the kinks from the C919... by which time XAC would've developed the experience and expertise with the Y-20 to spin off AEW, tanker, ECM, or other military variant. The only realistic military application I can see for the C919 right now is for VIP airlift... or at a stretch some sort of C4ISR platform.


Registered Member
Could WS-20-powered C919 be possible for military application/exports?
Something similar to Wedgetail or Kawasaki P1

If I understand correctly, Jet vs. Turboprop is basically a speed vs. time-on-station trade-off (vs. Y-8/9).
If the mission to be conducted is far away time on station may be lower in turboprop aircraft. For closer missions you are correct.