China's transport, tanker & heavy lift aircraft - esp. Y-20/YY-20


New Member
Re: China's transport plane capacities

when the Y9 first came out of the news, I read that the inside volume has been increased as compared to Y8, I forget from where i read it, I think it is SAC pamphlet from last Zhouhai airshow. someone may have a scan of it on file. From what i remember, it stated the inside of Y9 is both taller and wider than Y8. BTW, with 98 paratroopers inside of Y8, you are stuffing the troops like sardines, there is no room for 10 more. unless they sit on top of each other. As you know, even 7 or 8 years ago, SAC was almost bankrupt and treated like a lost Child with no orders. so a lots skilled workers and tech staff left the company, that is one of the reason why they are slow to developing new products now.


New Member
Re: China's transport plane capacities

sac engineers are the children of well connected families, they were selected accordingly and not because of any brilliance they may have or not have


New Member
Re: China's transport plane capacities

i would assume Y-9 to have better coordinated capability to drop the troops at the right spot as well with better ECM thus increased its chance of survival.


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Re: China's transport plane capacities

Reminds me of the C-133 Cargomaster. And Roger, do you know where I can find the pic of the 6 engine model? Want to see.


Lieutenant General
Re: China's transport plane capacities

I guess this is a model of the larger jet set to compete with Boeing and Airbus in the news recently.
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Senior Member
Re: China's transport plane capacities

What's the designation? It's a civvie plane like ARJ but for longer flights. May also have something to do with the CGI transport aircraft in the wind-tunnel.

sumdud: sorry, I haven't seen anything particularly worthwhile


Lieutenant General
Re: China's transport plane capacities

I forgot where I got that pic from. Been trying to look for it again to get more info. Well I hope this one will be 100% domestic because of the Russian deal on IL-76 seems to be frozen China's probably going to need a new platform for AWACS and other uses.


Lieutenant General
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Re: China's transport plane capacities

These news I just saw on royfc's translations.

Russia and Ukraine Preparing to Sign Agreement on Resumption of An-124 Series Production

((It will be a document declaring their intent. It is not a contract actually to build anything. Details on sharing proprietary information still must be worked out.))

Russia and Ukraine Will Continue to Cooperate on An-70 Project

((Much work remains and it will cost nearly 300 million dollars. Not further translated.))

I personally think it's a real shame that China didn't come in to buy any An-124 or cooperate on An-70. Instead asked Antonov to help it with it's own military transport and then also made the IL-76 order. Look at where is at now. They don't have the interim military transport and their indigenous projects probably has another 5 to 10 years to go. What a mess.


Senior Member
Re: China's transport plane capacities

I don't think the situation is quite that bad. In the past, China has been able to "rush" something into production when it is badly needed. Look at Jiang Zemin's order to build AWACS after the Phalcon was canceled. I believe Hu Jintao has done the same with the military transports. The engines are already well into development and developing a military transport translates well into the civilian industries. I do believe a lot of activity is afoot, and we'll see the fruits of these in the next year or two.