China's transport, tanker & heavy lift aircraft - esp. Y-20/YY-20


Lieutenant General
Here's one flying around.



Lieutenant General
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Is it just me or does Y-20 seem to have more rear wheels than the Il-76? I could be wrong though...


They're arranged differently. It has three "rows", compared to Il-76's two, but Il-76 has two "columns" compared to Y-20's one, I think. Going purely by wheels, Il-76 has 16 at its rear MLG, Y-20 seems to have 12 (same as A400M).

Y20 has a much bigger payload than Il76. It's designed to lift a MBT.

I think that's flawed logic.

C-17 has 12 wheels for its rear MLG, fewer than Il-76 but it vastly exceeds Il-76s MTOW.


Senior Member
Actually I can't think of an "un-official" flight before ....

The flight time of exactly 1 hour looks too precise, and there are talks of earlier flights.
And the official TV has reported on the flight saying it's mainly for disaster relief and other humanitarian stuffs. :)


Lieutenant General
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But .... even if the CFTE is not as visible as CAC, I can't think that they could have hidden a maiden flight earlier simply due to the size of that bird.



Junior Member
But .... even if the CFTE is not as visible as CAC, I can't think that they could have hidden a maiden flight earlier simply due to the size of that bird.


who knows, I heard that J-15 did all its landing trainings in Huangjiahu黄家湖wuhan,I'm a local, and I've asked many people, nobody knows anything about it, they must have carried out all the trainings after mid-night.