What an absolute beast the CZ-9 is.
The strap-on booster version of CZ9 that comes later will be much stronger; this one is nothing special.
This version is actually quite ugly, a bare big cylinder has nothing much to look at. Especially the first stage is short, have you noticed that the first stage is almost the same height as the first stage of CZ10 next to it? In other words, the booster of CZ10 can also be modified for use with CZ9. The ugliness of the bare CZ9 is comparable to that of Starship V3. Why? It's because the first stage is actually a bit short. In fact, China can make it longer, but they didn't make CZ9 taller, the reason is to leave space for the upper strap-on. There will not be a CZ9 strap-on plan before 2040.
The CZ9 3rd stage has also been greatly modified, using a single engine. This is the most interesting part. The second stage is likely still to be hydrogen-oxygen.
The 2nd and 3rd stages of this CZ9 can still be enlarged and improved (lengthened), this is the key.