The Luojia-3 01 satellite (珞珈三号01) is a remote imaging satellite. It carries a video camera (100 million pixels) that's capable of a resolution of 0.7 meter. It has advanced onboard image processing and photogrammetry capabilities, enabling the camera to perform surveys in 3D. The satellite has a high degree of autonomy, capable of intelligent mission planning and execution. It only needs to be told where to look (longitude and latitude), and it will automatically complete image acquisition and image processing and then beam the images and footage to the end user (can even send them to user's smartphone). The satellite's software can also be continuously updated and new capabilities added via remote updates.
Some slides on the Luojia-3 01 that was launched earlier.
Luojia-3 01 can perform on-orbit intelligent processing of remote sensing images according to end user requirements. The on-orbit test results show that the satellite's real-time dynamic tracking and detection accuracy of typical targets (aircraft, ships, etc.) in the region of interest (4k, 3840×2160 pixels) is better than 90%, and the processing time is better than 1 second. Luojia-3 01 is part of the Orient Eye constellation which will consist multiple intelligent remote sensing satellites (0.3m resolution, revisit every five minutes + 5m-resolution hyperspectral imaging with revisit every five days) to provide real-time monitoring of the entire planet and place that power into the hands of industries and private users.
The article has been deleted. Don't know whyMore updates on the Hainan Commercial Spaceport:
– Four launches have been confirmed for 2024 for Hainan Commercial Spaceport. Launchpad no. 1 will carry out three launches, and the remaining one will be carried out by launcpad no. 2.
– Launchpad no.1 will be operational by end of June.
– Construction of launchpad no. 2 will finish by end of May, and associated support infrastructure will finish by end of September.
OrienSpace has successfully conducted the first partial hot run test of its reusable 100-ton LOX/Kerosene YL-85/Force-85 engine.
The first Force-85/YL-85 (原力-85) engine produced by OrienSpace's new engine plant in Wuxi has rolled off the production line. Force-85 is a resusable 85-ton LOX/Kerosene engine intended for the Gravity-2 launch vehicle. Once finished, the engine plant will have the capacity to produce 300 Force-85 engines per year.
Anyone able to pick out any details on the Y-20 that did the delivery?Queqiao-2 lunar relay satellite arrived at Wenchang spaceport today