China's Space Program Thread II

Jiang ZeminFanboy

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Any Chinese mission to send to space similar one to Planck to watch Cosmic microwave background?
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I watched Polish astrophysist lecture and this guy told the audience that in his opinion Planck was one of the most important mission of the last decade, which brought huge amount of important data.

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Any Chinese mission to send to space similar one to Planck to watch Cosmic microwave background?
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I watched Polish astrophysist lecture and this guy told the audience that in his opinion Planck was one of the most important mission of the last decade, which brought huge amount of important data.

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Nothing space-based as of yet -

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Does China provide us with the numbers for how much is the Chinese space budget? I would want to anylizd how it changed for the last decade.

This is a good article to show that Chinese space budget is $8.9B compared to NASA $48B ... you see who is more successful? :p showing how efficient and effective China is
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US$1B in China can go very very far, while in the US is just like a drop in the ocean. This is I believe what makes the US so nervous about China, very efficient and effective

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Any news on landspace? It has been two months since the failure of the Zhuque-2, they should be getting ready to launch again, but there has been no news from them that I can see

They'll launch again sometime in the second half of 2023. Specific dates are unavailable at this time.


Newly released old images taken in late 2019, which show the Tianwen-1's descent module being prepared for tests in a thermal vacuum chamber.




A summary of the current state of the Beidou satellite navigation system. Currently, more than 40 Beidou navigation satellites are in operation, with three to five more to be added in 2023 to further improve performance. More than eight million Beidou terminals are in use by China's fleet of transport vehicles, and 1.3 million terminals are in use by various customers in agriculture, forestry, and fishery sectors. Some 98% of new smartphones shipped within China now support Beidou. More than 300 billion daily requests are made by mapping/navigation software to the Beidou network.
