Not the last...
There was another launch right after this.
Huh? I never said that was the last launch.
Not the last...
There was another launch right after this.
China launched TXJSSY-9(Telecommunication Technology Testing) satellite with a CZ-3B rocket in Xichang Satellite Launching Center, 00:43 UTC+8, Dec 30, 2021.北京时间2021年12月30日00时43分,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭,成功将通信技术试验卫星九号发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。
It's a landscape surveying and mapping satellite. With the name Tianhui-4, it's most probably for civilian purpose. Military satellites were always named Shijian-xx/yy, or TXJSSY-xx/yy.I guess, it is a spy satellite ... anybody knows in what area?
Tianhui are military sat. GF-7 and Ziyuan 3 for civilian useIt's a landscape surveying and mapping satellite. With the name Tianhui-4, it's most probably for civilian purpose. Military satellites were always named Shijian-xx/yy, or TXJSSY-xx/yy.
Tianhui are military sat. GF-7 and Ziyuan 3 for civilian use
天绘一号是中国第一代传输型立体测绘卫星,主要用于科学研究、国土资源普查、地图测绘等领域的科学试验任务。 [1]
天绘一号由航天东方红卫星有限公司研制,采用了,一体化集成了三线阵相机、2米高分辨率全色相机和多光谱相机等3类5个相机载荷,是当时中国比最高的高分辨率遥感卫星。 [2] 天绘一号实现了中国测绘卫星从返回式胶片型到CCD传输型的跨越式发展 [3] ,在中国首次实现了影像数据经过地面系统处理,无地面控制点条件下,与美国相对精度12m/6m(平面/高程1σ)同等的技术水平。 [4]
天绘一号还形成了中国第一个完全自主产权和国产化的集数据接收、运控管理、产品生产和应用服务为一体的地面应用系统。 [2]