The US counterpart to this experiment is called , the spacecraft is scheduled to be launched today in fact.
The US counterpart to this experiment is called , the spacecraft is scheduled to be launched today in fact.
What it does mean is here's one small sector in space technology where China has in fact shown it has the lead.
Five nano satellites was launched successfully by Ceres-1/Y2 rocket at Jiuquan Satellite Launching Center, 12:12 UTC+8, Dec 12, 2021.北京时间2021年12月7日12时12分,谷神星一号遥二运载火箭在我国酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射升空,将搭载的天津大学一号、丽泽一号、宝酝号、金紫荆五号、金紫荆一号03星等5颗小卫星顺利送入预定轨道,发射任务获得圆满成功。